Wednesday 2nd March
7:00 pm Ash Wednesday including Imposition of Ashes
Sunday 6th March
9:30 am 1st Sunday of Lent Parish Communion
4:00 pm Café church: Coquet Tea Rooms
Wednesday 9th March
9:30 am Holy Communion in Lent
Sunday 13th March
9:30 am 2nd Sunday of Lent Parish Communion
6:00 pm Evensong
Wednesday 16th March
9:30 am Holy Communion in Lent
Sunday 20th March
9:30 am Patronal festival: St Cuthbert Day Communion
Wednesday 23rd March
9:30 am Holy Communion in Lent
Sunday 27th March
9:30 am Mothering Sunday Parish Communion
4:00 pm Hauxley Chapel Service
Wednesday 30th March
9:30 am Holy Communion in Lent
Sunday 3rd April
9:30 am Passion Sunday Parish Communion
4:00 pm Café Church: Coquet tea Rooms
Wednesday 6th April
9:30 am Holy Communion in Lent
Sunday 10th April
9:30 am Palm Sunday & Long Passion and Communion
6:00 pm Evensong
Holy Week
Monday 11th April
7:00 pm Experience Easter
Tuesday 12th April
7:00 pm Compline
Wednesday 13th April
7:00 pm Compline
Thursday 14th April
7:00 pm Maunday Thursday Communion
Friday 15th April
10:00 am Good Friday Morning
2.00 pm At the Foot of the Cross
Saturday 16th April
7:00pm Easter Eve Service of Light
Sunday 17th April
9:30 am Easter Sunday Parish Communion

Faith for Planet Earth
“More than a quarter of the UK’s puffins are struggling to survive. They’re one of Britain’s best-loved birds, but across Europe they have been classified as at risk of extinction
because of climate change and lack of food.”
“How could a people who appear to love nature more almost than any other nationality have still destroyed so much of their richest countryside in so short a time? .... and we are still
losing it day after day.....We [Britain] are among the world’s most nature-depleted countries”.
“What are the most important wild places in the world? The Serengeti? The Amazon rainforest? Antarctica? Or perhaps it’s the tree on the corner of the street you live on, the patch of nettles on the roadside and the little park by the railway line… Little things: who notices, who cares, who will do anything? The answer to all three questions is you. Sorry about that – but who else is there? … We [need to] value the small steps we can all take… We need to save the world, one tree at a time.”
“Do not think your single vote does not matter much. The rain that refreshes the parched ground is made up of single drops.”
“Our Sister, Mother Earth… cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life”. (Pope Francis)
Lent is a time to listen. To listen to the Holy Spirit of God. To listen to ourselves. To listen to others and especially today to listen to the earth and its peoples.
Let us listen to a young person, Greta Thunberg.
“Adults keep saying: 'We owe it to the young people to give them hope.' But I don't want your hope.
I don't want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic.
I want you to feel the fear I feel every day, and then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis.
I want you to act as if our house is on fire, because it is.”
In our Lent conversations, here at St Cuthbert’s, we are going to listen, share, think, and pray about our planet, over which God has given us stewardship and what our own response might be. We might not use the word panic, but we might explore such words and ideas as prophecy, exile, grief, repentance, lament, reflection, prayer, justice, faith, hope and love.
Sign up via the list at the back of church or send an email to Peter.
Information and reflection sheets will be available at the meetings and online via email.
The course is based around extracts from the York Course ‘Caring for Creation’. If you wish to purchase the full booklet and audio transcripts they are available at
Time: 3pm - 4:30pm.
At: St Cuthbert's Church
Date: Tuesday
8 March
Session 1: Faith and the Environment.
(Masters or Stewards, Salvation, Partnership, Reconnection)
15 March
Session 2: Climate change.
(Causes, Response, Food choices, Technology fix, What’s the point)
22 March
Session 3: The Age of Humans
(God like powers, Global empathy, two technologies, Joining forces)
29 March
Session 4: From denial to Faithful response
(Opening our eyes, Faith-action, Don’t panic)
5 April
Session 5: Faith, Hope and Love
(Optimism or Hope, Who’s in charge, Migration, What now is normal, Words of Hope)