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Prayer is something anyone can do. You don’t have to use complicated words or special phrases. You just pray what is in your heart. 

We hope you find our prayers helpful.



Every day we share prayers on facebook and our website.  

We would now like to extend this to sharing your prayer requests on Fridays. 

So if anyone would like someone or something prayed for then please let us know. 

Please email:

Hands in prayer.


April 18th

Rain, rain and more rain.

Over the past couple of weeks we have endured extreme rainfall and flooding. We are told that this is most likely exacerbated by climate change which is happening because of the warming of the atmosphere. And in this part of the world the consequence is more rain and wind because warmer air is more unstable and holds more moisture. There is also compelling evidence that human activity has contributed to this warming. Climate change is associated with human suffering and human exploitation. It is caused by the same human selfishness that leads to poverty, hunger, homelessness and war. Pope Francis wrote back in 2015: “So our concern cannot be limited merely to the threat of extreme weather events, but must also extend to the catastrophic consequences of social unrest. Obsession with a consumerist lifestyle, above all when few people are capable of maintaining it, can only lead to violence and mutual destruction.”


Father God, pour out your spirit of wisdom and help us to protect the world and not prey on it. May we sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Heal the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. Amen

Sea and sky at dawn, with a small oil rig on the horison..


April 17th

There are all kinds of fads and fashions to fill a need. But these are temporary and cannot offer any deeper nourishment. Bread is considered a staple food in many cultures, providing energy for daily living. Jesus describes himself as ‘the bread of life’. He gives true purpose, a true reason for living. He is the bread that gives abundant life. The reality is that no matter how much we have only God alone will satisfy hunger and longing. Yes, some things do satisfy to some extent; however, our deepest hunger is for God.

Come give to us, O saving Lord, the bread of life; Jesus, the one who fills us, the one who satisfies us.  Feed us with the knowledge of what it is to lead a fuller life. 

A round crusted loaf of bread dusted in white flour with a cross cut on the top.


April 16th

The NHS is a complex system, which can sometimes make it difficult to understand – especially working out who is responsible for what. It’s made up of a wide range of different organisations with different roles, responsibilities and specialities. These organisations provide a variety of services and support to patients and carers. Primary care services provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the 'front door' of the NHS. Primary care includes general practice, community pharmacy, dental, and optometry (eye health) services.

Amble Health Centre is very much at the heart of our community and is undergoing changes. However we might feel about those changes the staff who work in this system require our love and support as they give us their care.


Let us pray to God our Father, whose Son came that we may have life. For all those whose vision founded our National Health Service, and for those who serve others in care and compassion. We pray that their work and ministry to the sick may enrich and support the welfare of all. Amen

White NHS logo set into a blue heart


April 15th

There is no other planet. There is no second option. This is the world we have all been given to share. Our prayer today asks that we remember that we are all custodians of our world for the fair sharing for all and to pass it on for future generations. There is enough for all if we share.


Lord of all Glory, as children of a shared planet we ask for strength and determination to make sure that the resources of this earth are shared fairly between all.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

The picture shows a sculpture at Lambeth Palace.

Photo by P. Horseman.

A golden globe sitting on a golden hand with a crown of thorns on top.


April 14th

In the scripture today, Luke chapter 24: verses 36-48, Jesus appears to the disciples once more, and they thought he might be a ghost. But Jesus is risen from death after his crucifixion. He asks them ‘Have you got anything here to eat?’ I’m thinking today of the thousands of people in our world today who might say ‘no, sorry.’ Even if Jesus was visiting. Hospitality is a strong tradition in many cultures. We would like to offer guests a cup of tea and a biscuit as a minimum.

Jesus we thank you that you proved to the disciples that you were alive, and shared a meal with them. Help us to share what we have with those who have less, so that all might live. Amen

Breaking a newly backed loazf of bread.


April 13th

‘He stooped down to me; He heard my cry.’ Psalm 39

When I first read this psalm, what really caught my attention was how David waited and waited, patiently persevering in prayer and how the Lord stoops down to hear him. Perhaps this is a format we can use when we pray particularly for the resolution of conflict in this world of ours. Praise the Lord and thank Him for gifts and blessings already received and then, as we ask for help again, listen with an open ear as we try to discern His plan. God does not require sacrifices from us; He longs for us to listen to Him and willingly obey Him. Only then are we following in the steps of Christ, the most obedient servant of all.

Dear Lord, look with kindness on our broken world in which there is so much conflict.

 May God, our Merciful Father, give wisdom to those who are trying to sustain, protect and build peace through negotiation and diplomacy, Amen.

A sqirling world  globe surrounded by swirling sea.


April 12th

Yesterday I found myself at Alnwick Garden admiring the spring cherry blossom. Two acres of delicate cream  petals, truly uplifting. But how fragile this display is. In benign weather the display may last 3 - 4 weeks but just a few heavy showers of rain would dash it all to the ground in a couple of days. So to witness the blossom in early profusion is a privilege. 


Lord encourage us to enjoy the simple wonders of your creation and not be afraid to grab such spirit-raising diversions from our daily chores and duties. In Christ's name Amen.

Alnwick garden cherrty blossom trees.


April 11th

Peace be with you


We read in the gospels that Jesus appeared in physical form to his disciples on a number of occasions after his death. New life had sprung up in him and he wanted this for them too. What God had done for him was now possible for others. They were not expecting it. It’s not something you could make up - and then be persecuted, tortured or even put to death for something you know is not true. What did Jesus say to those astonished and fearful men and women? St Luke tells us: Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ And he says this to them on many other occasions. And remember what the angel Gabriel said to Mary? ‘Do not be afraid Mary for you have found favour with God’. So we pray today that the deep unbreakable peace of new life may be part of our lives and may God’s peace bring new life into this broken and fearful world. 


May the peace of the risen Christ bring new life into this broken and fearful world. 

A rainbow behind the trees.


April 10th

Love and Light are outpoured by God. John chapter 3 verse 16 reminds us “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son”. The story of Easter is not just a time or a day; it is a state of the heart. Recently the clocks went forward one hour to move us into British summertime. Days are beginning to be lighter. Light means that we can live in hope, knowing that we are uniquely loved by God. It is not God who abandons us, do we sometimes put ourselves beyond the reach of his love, which is there and only waiting for us to turn back?


Almighty God, thank you for sending your Son into this world. Help us to trust in Jesus Christ alone as saviour, and help us to spread your love in our actions. May we devote our lives to You and rejoice in the promise of a new life.

Almighty God, thank you for sending your Son into this world. Help us to trust in Jesus Christ alone as saviour, and help us to spread your love in our actions. May we devote our lives to You and rejoice in the promise of a new life.


April 9th

We often reassure each other by saying, “just trust me.” It’s our way of communicating that we are trustworthy, but it only holds weight if the person saying it has never broken trust with you. If someone is untrustworthy, saying “just trust me” wouldn’t go over well.

Trusting someone or something requires faith. You have faith that they will keep their word. you have faith that they will do what they say.

The Ambler is a free independent community paper for the town of Amble, Their purpose is to keep local people in touch with local events, and to inform and encourage discussion on issues of interest to the community.

They are acknowledged as a popular, trusted and influential community resource, and we were honoured to receive a Commended accolade in the 2023 ICNN Independent Community Newspaper of the Year category. The Ambler was described as a touching and very worthy community initiative. “It’s so good, it’s collectable,” enthused one judge.

You are Father to us all. Please constantly push us out of our dullness of spirit to take active steps to care for our brothers and sisters, to protect them, share with them, welcome them, for the blood of Your son makes us all one family, whatever our origins, or our past.


April 8th

As we continue the Easter theme the words of Jesus come to mind. He said “but I came to give life—life in all its fullness. “ There is a great deal of difference between living and existing. Sometimes we speak about quality of life. Someone once said that Christians should be more alive than anyone else. Meaning that the life Christ brings to his followers is exciting, fulfilling and deeply meaningful. This is the case even if circumstances are difficult, impoverished or painful. It is the way we approach life and not its circumstances that makes the difference. Let’s pray today that all may experience this life in all its fullness.

May the life of the Risen Christ be poured out into hearts and minds, so that all may experience “life in all its fullness”.  Amen.

Picture Cherry blossom at Alnwick Gardens P. Horseman

May the life of the Risen Christ be poured out into hearts and minds, so that all may experience “life in all its fullness”.  Amen.


April 7th

Was there a time you went to see a hero of yours in person, maybe a concert or a book reading, a sportsperson or someone you admired? Did they have an impact on part of your life, and influence, inspire, or comfort you? In today’s reading Thomas, one of the apostles, meets Jesus face to face. (John chapter 20 verses 19-31) They have been very close for three years, and Jesus is now risen from death, a horrible, terrible death. Jesus’ body still bears the wounds from the nails and the spear, but is whole; walking, talking, in person. Thomas is so awed by His body; he sees the wounds in person, he sees Jesus, face to face.

Jesus, thank you that you took those wounds to heaven with your resurrected body. All you did for us on the cross, and the comfort and inspiration you give us in this challenging life, is represented by your risen body. Jesus, we long to see you face to face when we die.  Amen

Jesus, thank you that you took those wounds to heaven with your resurrected body. All you did for us on the cross, and the comfort and inspiration you give us in this challenging life, is represented by your risen body. Jesus, we long to see you face to face when we die.  Amen


April 6th

Each day seems to bring more news of the horrors of war around the world.  

We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and we lift to God the horror of the war in Israel and Gaza.

We pray for innocent lives destroyed and lives changed forever by the violence and we share the International Prayer for Peace 

Lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth

Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust

Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace

 Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe  

Sunset with a heart cloud.


April 5th


As the sun scatters the mist

At the dawning of a new day,

So you calm our fears and anxieties

If we trust you.

You give us strength and courage

To live our daily lives

Knowing you are with us

And we do not walk alone

As the midday sun warms us,

We feel your protecting arms around us

And sense your loving presence.

As the sun sinks in a kaleidoscope of colour

You give us hope and renewal.

Red sunset with silhouette boat masts.


April 4th

They cut me down and I leapt up high.


Well, that’s Christmas and Easter over for another year! What’s next, some may be asking? Others are breathing a quiet sigh of relief. Yet in the deepest sense Christmas and Easter are never over. Christians see these two feasts as celebrations of a truth that sustains us day by day, that God is with us. God is with us - in life and in death and beyond death. Jesus came into the world to change our minds about God, to break down the dividing walls we have constructed between one another, between ‘us’ and ‘them’, and between us and God. The Easter message is that Jesus leads those who look to him into a whole new world, not just in the future but each and every day. Despite very real evil and suffering, there is the living Christ, who leads us through and beyond. If you have a moment, look up the words of ‘Lord of the dance’. This hymn finishes with these words. “They cut me down And I leapt up high; I am the life That'll never, never die; I'll live in you If you'll live in me - I am the Lord Of the Dance,said he.”

They cut me down And I leapt up high; I am the life That'll never, never die; I'll live in you If you'll live in me - I am the Lord Of the Dance,said he.


April 3rd

Some disciples were on the road at a bad time in their lives and in Luke Chapter 24: Verses 13-35 met a stranger who made some sense of their troubles. Jesus made sense by his presence and his word. A good chat can heal a bad day. A good prayer can do the same. This story of shattered hopes and loss of dreams is not familiar at Easter. However, Jesus’ gentle accompaniment and attentive listening enables two downcast disciples to express their story. As recognition dawns, their hearts are ablaze and they realise who was with them all the time.

Jesus, in times of disillusionment and faded dreams you stand at the door of life waiting for us to invite you in. May the experience of your risen presence bring about a real transformation in our lives. Teach us how to listen well, both to your story and and that of others.

Jesus, in times of disillusionment and faded dreams you stand at the door of life waiting for us to invite you in. May the experience of your risen presence bring about a real transformation in our lives. Teach us how to listen well, both to your story and and that of others.


April 2nd

Did you know that Easter Sunday and the 50 days following are called Eastertide or Paschaltide in the church calendar? Similar to the weeks of Advent (but sort of in reverse), Easter Sunday is counted as the first Sunday of Eastertide. The Sunday after that is called the second and so on, leading up to Pentecost Sunday (or Whitsuntide). 

Loving God, as we celebrate Easter, renew our faith and refresh our spirits. May the resurrection of Jesus inspire us to live with conviction, share your love with others, and walk in the light of His truth. Grant us the grace to be faithful disciples, reflecting your glory in all we do. Amen.



April 1st

Yesterday we celebrated the most incredible event in the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an event, not just for one day of the year but for all three hundred and sixty six, (this year was a leap year.) It is a message of hope, of light in the darkness. With so many dark places in the world, both personal and national, Jesus brings that hope near to all.


Our prayer today is for the light of Christ to shine out. The picture is one of the cards of The Jesus Deck, a set of cards following the life of Christ. It shows the stone about to roll away and revel the empty tomb. The bible verse is From John Chapter 1 verse 5.

May the light of the Risen Christ shine in every dark place in this world.

May the light of the Risen Christ shine in every dark place in this world.


March 31st

Chocolate, eggs, bunnies, bonnets, biscuits, lamb dinners. School holidays, family visits. At the heart of it all, all the commercial activity, is a Christian festival, perhaps the most important of all; Jesus Christ is risen, alive, with humanity for all time. Full hearts can celebrate without the commercial aspects, which is fitting in such difficult times. Spring helps lift our spirits too, year on year.


Jesus Christ, we celebrate that you are alive and walk alongside us through many difficulties and troubles. This is such sweet news, that we use chocolate and flowers to represent our joy. Fill our hearts we pray, now and every day, giving us hope. Amen

Jesus Christ, we celebrate that you are alive and walk alongside us through many difficulties and troubles. This is such sweet news, that we use chocolate and flowers to represent our joy. Fill our hearts we pray, now and every day, giving us hope. Amen


March 30th

We think at this time of preparation to celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection of all those who are suffering from the ravages of conflict in their bodies mind and spirit.

O God of all hope and peace, we bring to you the needs of our broken and hurting world.
Our hearts are breaking with images of lives lost and torn apart by grief in Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Rusia.
We pray for an end to violence and warfare so that the challenging work of rebuilding may begin.
Help us, O Lord, to affirm our common humanity so that in our differences we may build together for justice and peace.
In Jesus Christ, our Lord.

O God of all hope and peace, we bring to you the needs of our broken and hurting world. Our hearts are breaking with images of lives lost and torn apart by grief in Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Rusia. We pray for an end to violence and warfare so that the challenging work of rebuilding may begin. Help us, O Lord, to affirm our common humanity so that in our differences we may build together for justice and peace. In Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


March 29th

Good Friday

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.  Amen.


March 27th

Betrayal cuts deep, especially from a person we are close to. Jesus knew this full well and was deeply troubled  In his last days he was betrayed by his friends whom he had been with for three years. At times we also have been hurt, disappointed, perhaps betrayed by someone we know.  No matter what we experience in life, Jesus has trod the path before us. He understands and walks with us.  What clouds our thinking and leads us to choices that might end in betrayal? Our struggles and desires within seem not the wise choices God desires. Let not self deceptions keep us from making Jesus and his will the only focus of our lives.

Lord, may you be the focus of our lives. You alone are of the greatest value. Help us not to fall into the temptations that lead to empty promises but to the true promises that come from You. Jesus, help us to trust in you.

Lord, may you be the focus of our lives. You alone are of the greatest value. Help us not to fall into the temptations that lead to empty promises but to the true promises that come from You. Jesus, help us to trust in you.


March 28th

Maundy Thursday

Throughout this week before Easter, Holy Week, we are with Jesus as he makes his way to the final confrontation with the religious and political establishment. He knows how it will end. We cannot but salute and admire his courage as he prepares to face the ordeal. Today, Maundy Thursday, we are with him as he joins with his disciples for their last supper together. We see Jesus instituting the sacrament of Holy Communion. We see him washing the feet of his disciples. We see Judas go out into the night. And we leave the story with Jesus in agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane where he makes his final choice. All that Jesus did was in solidarity with humanity yet at the end humanity deserted him. He faced the next day alone. ….. Now, in the Great Mystery, He will take the world's pain and sin and wars and betrayals and hatreds deep into the heart of God from where will come resurrection and new life and hope. 


Father God we thank you for Jesus. May his choice and his sacrifice be our healing, our salvation and our inspiration.

Father God we thank you for Jesus. May his choice and his sacrifice be our healing, our salvation and our inspiration.


March 26th

I’m approaching Holy Week feeling unprepared, and not just because I have no idea what I’m going to make for Easter lunch. I’m soul-weary after months of winter and darkness and rain and stress.

But perhaps this isn’t such a bad way to enter Holy Week – tired and unprepared, hungry for a new beginning, eager for the light to shine in the darkness. Even if, like me, you feel you haven’t quite lived into the penitential season of Lent, it’s not too late to begin walking toward the resurrection morning


Lord God, The message of the cross is difficult to take.
How can death give way to life? How can weakness be strength?

Yet your word says that Jesus, being God,
Took on human flesh and suffered the worst kind of death.
How can this be?

It is only in Christ Jesus that we can boast.
In his name, we ask you to help our unbelief.
That we may love you, and walk in the way Jesus taught us. In his name,   Amen.

Lord God, The message of the cross is difficult to take. How can death give way to life? How can weakness be strength?  Yet your word says that Jesus, being God, Took on human flesh and suffered the worst kind of death. How can this be?  It is only in Christ Jesus that we can boast. In his name, we ask you to help our unbelief. That we may love you, and walk in the way Jesus taught us. In his name,   Amen.


March 25th

The crowds.

The New Testament paints a vivid picture of the last week of Christ’s life on earth before his Resurrection. It tells of crowds on what we now call Palm Sunday, united together in cheering and praising Jesus. At the end of the week it tell of a crowd uniting and calling for his death by the cruelest means possible. Jerusalem at that time was not a very large city so it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that some of the same people were in both crowds. A crowd can have such influence on behavour and attitudes and can be very difficult to stand against. Today we pray for all who in the cause of justice stand out against the crowd.



March 24th

Palm Sunday

John Chapter 12: Verses 12,13 tells of Jesus’ last visit to Jerusalem. The link between the palm branches waved to welcome Jesus, and the folded palm leaves in the shape of the cross on which Jesus died, makes a precious living memory. These crosses represent much of the last week of Jesus’ human life on earth. The story, which doesn’t end with death, continues. In St Cuthbert’s, Amble, the events are illustrated, and all are welcome to visit.

God, we thank you for this precious palm cross, a reminder of all that Jesus did for us. We look forward to Easter Day, when we remember that Jesus conquered death, and that He offers us new life. 

Photograph P. Horseman.

​  God, we thank you for this precious palm cross, a reminder of all that Jesus did for us. We look forward to Easter Day, when we remember that Jesus conquered death, and that He offers us new life. 


March 23rd

International humanitarian law – known as the laws of war – establishes what can and cannot be done by parties to an armed conflict. These laws seek to minimize human suffering and protect civilians as well as combatants who are no longer taking part in hostilities, such as prisoners of war. The main treaties of international humanitarian law are the 1949 Geneva Conventions, adopted after the horrors of World War Two, and their additional Protocols.

Even so, many of the gravest human rights violations are committed in war. These include using rape as a weapon of war, recruiting children to serve on the frontlines, launching direct attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure and indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks. Warring parties may also try to weaken communities as retaliation by obstructing humanitarian aid, such as food and medicine, even using starvation as a weapon of war.


O God, we pray for all the children in Israel and Gaza, in Ukraine and Russia and in every country of the world.
We pray for Muslims, Jews and Christians that we will draw on the best of our traditions to guide us away from words and acts of division and discrimination so that everyone may be free to live in safety.
Protect the vulnerable, strengthen the fearful and comfort the grieving.  In Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

O God, we pray for all the children in Israel and Gaza, in Ukraine and Russia and in every country of the world. We pray for Muslims, Jews and Christians that we will draw on the best of our traditions to guide us away from words and acts of division and discrimination so that everyone may be free to live in safety. Protect the vulnerable, strengthen the fearful and comfort the grieving.  In Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.


March 22nd

In the week when we have celebrated Amble's own Saint, Cuthbert; a prayer in the Celtic tradition, from the collection Carmina Gadelica.  

Thanks to you, O God, that I have risen today, to the rising or life itself; may it be to your own glory.

Picture - Driftwood P .Horseman.

​  Thanks to you, O God, that I have risen today, to the rising or life itself; may it be to your own glory.


March 21st

An Honest Question

Today is United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racism. Timely, because lately here in the UK it’s become a bit of a political talking point. Are you racist? It’s really quite difficult to answer that question honestly because it can be so deeply and unconsciously embedded within us. It’s difficult for me to write about, being an ‘Old White Man’. Racism is a term used to describe attitudes, beliefs and practices which discriminate against people of different skin colour or ethnicity. It’s not just about noticing that someone has a different skin colour, that’s a neutral observation in itself - or should be! Racism happens when individuals and groups and peoples are are believed, consciously or unconsciously, to be inferior or superior on the basis of colour or ethnicity and valued and treated accordingly. This pernicious belief resulted in the slave trade and apartheid and much more up to today.  So, whilst, as Christians, indeed as decent human beings, we condemn racism, we need to start by digging deep into ourselves, and unearth our own often unspoken attitudes and beliefs…… And let’s not forget that Jesus was not a blonde haired blue-eyed white man. 


We pray for all victims of racial prejudice, discrimination and persecution. May we be aware of our own bias and be strengthened to stand up for racial justice and equality. 

We pray for all victims of racial prejudice, discrimination and persecution. May we be aware of our own bias and be strengthened to stand up for racial justice and equality. 


March 20th

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition Lent is called 'bright sadness' or 'joyful sorrow.' Lent embraces the darkness of the human condition but also anticipates the marvellous event of Easter. In his classic work, ‘Great Lent’, Fr Alexander Schmemann describes 'Sad brightness' as 'the sadness of exile, of waste I have made of my life; the brightness of God’s presence and forgiveness, the joy of the recovered desire for God, the peace of the recovered home.' That bright sadness opens for us a deeper awareness that we otherwise rarely experience. This Lent and Holy Week, we may have been enabled to see for the first time afresh faces and situations we have known, in some cases for years, yet without really seeing them or knowing them very well at all. Will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time.

May our attention to the bright sadness of Lent bring us to the joy of the Resurrection.  May you give us time to pause and open to us space where you truly meet us anew and reveal what is in our hearts. May we be prepared to share that grace and love with others.

May our attention to the bright sadness of Lent bring us to the joy of the Resurrection.  May you give us time to pause and open to us space where you truly meet us anew and reveal what is in our hearts. May we be prepared to share that grace and love with others.


March 19th

We are fast approaching that time of year when the most holy of Christian festivals occurs, Easter, when we rejoice in the resurrection of the Lord. This is a celebration marked by all Christians – together.

On Good Friday, March 29th: Coquet Churches Together come together in a Service of Witness. We  assemble at St Cuthbert’s Parish Church at 10.30am and walk to the Town Square for the service which will start at 10.45am.  Each church takes responsibility for an aspect of the service and during the service all participants turn outwards and face towards the town and its people. Do come and join us.

Hot cross buns and hot drinks will be served at Trinity Methodist following the service.

Dear Lord Jesus, You are our Prince of Peace and You prayed for unity in the body of Christ, that we may be united in love just as You are united with the Father in love. Give Your children the desire to love one another as You have loved us, and let the world know that we are Your disciples by our love for one another. Give us a hunger to live in union with each another, and may we be united as one, in the bond of peace and fellowship, in the Spirit. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, You are our Prince of Peace and You prayed for unity in the body of Christ, that we may be united in love just as You are united with the Father in love. Give Your children the desire to love one another as You have loved us, and let the world know that we are Your disciples by our love for one another. Give us a hunger to live in union with each another, and may we be united as one, in the bond of peace and fellowship, in the Spirit. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.


March 18th

So many people worldwide seem to have lost hope. Today we pray for all where ever they may be and whatever their issues are, that they will see hope. And as we look at situations near and far remind us that a small actions and attitude can bring about change.

For all who despair in life, we pray - Bring hope. 

Photograph “Puppet” by P. Horseman.



March 17th

This day March 17th , is celebrated as St Patrick’s day. A great celebration for the Irish. What is it makes a saint? There are many categories and descriptions. One is clear in the reading from the Bible we will be using at St Cuthbert's church (John Chapter 12: Verses 20-33, someone who is dedicated to bringing people to know Jesus Christ. Philip and Andrew are in this example, in the country where they lived, in those early weeks of what would become Christianity, that is what St Patrick continued centuries later.

Thank you, God, that someone told me about Jesus, though they may not have been recognised as a saint. Help us to find the right way to let others around us know, through our kind actions and prayers. Grow our understanding and faith as only God can do. Amen

Thank you, God, that someone told me about Jesus, though they may not have been recognised as a saint. Help us to find the right way to let others around us know, through our kind actions and prayers. Grow our understanding and faith as only God can do. Amen


March 16th

In times of emergencies and disasters, including the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the West Bank, and the war in Ukraine, children bear the heaviest burden. Each child is made in the image of God and deserves dignity, care, and protection. Our hearts should ache, witnessing deteriorating humanitarian conditions in conflict zones, impacting not only the most vulnerable children but also women and men struggling through dire circumstances.

Dear God, we lift the people of Ukraine and Gaza, who have been affected by the ongoing war. We pray for an end to these conflicts that has displaced millions from their homes. May peace prevail in those regions, ending the suffering and allowing families to rebuild their lives and livelihoods. Please guide leaders and nations to work toward lasting peace and stability in Ukraine and Gaza and around the world. Amen



March 15th

Over the past two weeks, members of St Cuthbert's Church have been sharing the events that led up to the crucifixion of Jesus.  Penny tells the children that by hearing the story they have become part of it and can include others by sharing it.

Many of us are part of the story but don't always share it for whatever reason. 



Loving heavenly father, give us the opportunity to share the story of your son Jesus Christ so that others may understand your everlasting love. 





March 10th

Mothers’ Day used to just be called Mothering Sunday. You might have heard of traditions when a Simnel Cake with the seeds and marzipan was made and taken to a mother by holidaying daughters working in service far away. That tradition included visiting your home church, and perhaps originated the lovely church gifts of Spring flowers given to women (and men) who have given us care and love.



March 9th

Spring is when we notice more visitors to the towns, beaches, and countryside. Visitors are

the life blood of many small businesses, bed and breakfasts, cafes and restaurants. Tourists

can make the queues longer, and places more crowded, inconveniencing us, with

pushchairs and shopping bags, and fewer spaces for parking. They come for the scenery,

and the welcome for which Northerners are renowned.



March 8th

War is ever-present and its consequences are seen on our TV screens every day. My prayer today is a poem, written by Reverend Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy. He served at the front in the First World War as a Chaplain, winning a Military Cross for his bravery. Kennedy’s love for the troops he worked with was reciprocated by them. They gave him the nickname “Woodbine Willie” as he was generous with his supply of cigarettes. The war changed Kennedy as it did so many. He became a Christian Socialist touring and preaching across the country. His relentless work schedule resulted in his early death, aged 45, on March 8th, 1929. The poem comes from “The Unutterable Beauty” a collection of his poems published in March 1927. It has a powerful message.

Waste.  Waste of muscle, waste of brain,  Waste of patience, waste of pain,  Waste of manhood, waste of health,  Waste of beauty, waste of wealth.     Waste of blood and waste of tears,  Waste of youth’s most precious years,  Waste of ways the saints have trod,  Waste of Glory, waste of God.  War.


March 7th

Saint or Sinner

‘Oh, I don’t come to church, I’m not good enough.’ I have heard that several times. But none of us who go church ever think we are good enough. So how is it that people think like that? Perhaps the church has itself to blame. We are in the season of Lent which traditionally is a time to examine ourselves, realistically but not taking ourselves too piously. Are you a saint or a sinner? Somewhere in between is most likely. Sometimes saints are not easy to live with. And I’ve known so called ‘sinners’ who are kind and compassionate. The ‘world’ - that is social media- is all too quick to divide and label. Saint Augustine who we are quoting in this Lent’s Thursday Thoughts, said ‘There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.’

Photograph Peter Mander. 

There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.



March 6th

Maybe in the past,  when life was less busy and distracted there were quiet moments of the day in which people could feel connected to something beyond themselves, to an inner world. That seems very rare today, because we seem to be saturated in noise and activity. Yet the silence which we don’t have to create is there, within. This loss of capacity to pay attention in our distracted culture causes a fragmentation of the ability to pay attention: to listen, to observe, to engage, to feel empathy, to see the world in which we live and the relationships in which we are all connected. 

It doesn’t have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch
a few words together and don’t try
to make them elaborate, this isn’t
a contest but the doorway
into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.



March 5th

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea. Powered primarily by kind donations, our search and rescue service has been saving lives for nearly 200 years.

They are a charity founded upon and driven by their values of selflessness, courage, dependability and trustworthiness, with volunteers at their heart. These values have powered their lifesaving throughout many coastal communities including here in our home town of Amble for 200 years.

The vast majority of RNLI people are volunteers - ordinary people doing extraordinary things - supported by expert staff, all working together to help communities at home and abroad save lives.

Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm does bind the restless wave,
Who bids the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
O hear us when we cry to Thee
For those in peril on the sea.

​Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm does bind the restless wave, Who bids the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea.


March 4th

Today at St Cuthbert's Church we begin our annual Experience Easter with the school children. Plase pray for us over the next two weeks as we retell the Easter story for classes from our local schools. Pray a blessing on children, school staff and helpers and our storytellers as we all share in this special time. This is our 10th year.

We ask Lord for your blessing for our Experience Easter with the school children over the next two weeks. May we learn more deeply the message of Easter in the name of Jesus. Amen.

We ask Lord for your blessing for our Experience Easter with the school children over the next two weeks. May we learn more deeply the message of Easter in the name of Jesus. Amen.


March 3rd

When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, ‘Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!’ His disciples remembered that it is written: ‘Zeal for your house will consume me.’ John Chapter 2 Verses 13-17.

You might legislate for someone to love God, but love is not able to be forced. It comes through relationship with others and with God. But the law was a necessary starter. All nations’ security, future, hope, and existence depend on good law. The law was and is there to ensure that life, liberty, and creation are properly valued.

We thank You, O Lord, for despite all the stubbornness, You've still graced us with all the blessings even though we are unworthy of them. With this, please continue to help us in following the right path, remembering that we are always in Your holy presence, so that we can be worthy to enter Your temple. Amen.9


March 2nd

Dear God,

We cry out to you on behalf of the people seriously affected by the conflicts in Gaza and Israel and Ukraine and Russia. Our hearts break at the devastation and suffering that we see, and we know it breaks yours, too.

We ask that you would stretch out your mighty hand to bring an end to this war.

We cry out for people who have been injured or traumatised, who have lost loved ones or their homes. Please provide everything they need and be their comfort, their hope, their healer, and their safe refuge. 

We pray for your peace to reign. We look to you as our Saviour and the hope of the world. 


Dear God,  We cry out to you on behalf of the people seriously affected by the conflicts in Gaza and Israel and Ukraine and Russia. Our hearts break at the devastation and suffering that we see, and we know it breaks yours, too.  We ask that you would stretch out your mighty hand to bring an end to this war.  We cry out for people who have been injured or traumatised, who have lost loved ones or their homes. Please provide everything they need and be their comfort, their hope, their healer, and their safe refuge.   We pray for your peace to reign. We look to you as our Saviour and the hope of the world.   Amen.


March 1st

Today is St David's day. St David is the patron Saint of Wales who came to prominence when he made an influential speech at a a meeting of church leaders at Llandewi Brevi in North Wales. He decided to stand on handkerchief so that he might be heard more clearly. To the rational mind this action would seem eccentric, even absurd. Whatever it meant to David history tells us that it  worked brilliantly. 


Lord help us to discover empowerment in the simplest things in life that we may prosper to your glory.  Amen



February 29th

Make Way

How are your lent intentions progressing? Have you already given up giving things up? It seems to me that part of the point of lent disciplines like giving up alcohol, chocolate or swearing is to show much of a hold these things have on us. The problem arises when things we possess start to posses us.


Saint Augustine, whose sayings we are going to look at over the next few weeks, famously said; ‘God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them’. 



February 28th

We know of leaders who exert power, domination, control people for their own ends. For Jesus, it is altogether different. To put ourselves at the service of others, to empower – not to have power, this is what we see in Jesus’ example. It is a lesson that’s not easy. Jesus reminds us…”whoever wishes to be great must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first must be your slave”. Jesus tells us he came not to be served but to serve and to give his life for many.  Motivations can be tricky. We can fool ourselves thinking that we are doing something good when the reality is we simply might feel righteous about how well we served others. Jesus gave his life so that everyone could experience freedom and life to the full. It’s a tough call. Following Jesus contradicts earthly thinking, it directs us to the real essence of following him which involves humility and service. 

Lord, throughout this season of Lent Lord help us recognise and remember the freedom that we can find through you and as we go through each day show us where there are opportunities to serve you.  Amen.

Lord, throughout this season of Lent Lord help us recognise and remember the freedom that we can find through you and as we go through each day show us where there are opportunities to serve you.  Amen.


February 27th

We so often overlook the services available in our local communities which help to overcome those emotions that we face, loneliness, lack of confidence.

Amble Library is providing a warm space during the winter (Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat,) and will offer a hot drink, biscuit, some activities, free wifi and phone charging. A public toilet is available. If you have your own device, you can use their free WIFI, but there are also several computers available for public use with printing facilities too, for a charge.

For those needing help with Northumberland County Council services – eg council tax, bin collection, parking permits, reporting potholes etc, staff are able to help signpost customers to websites to enable many customer services enquiries to be dealt with online.

The library also hosts an Age UK Friendship Group which meets every Monday morning from 10am-12noon. This is an opportunity to have a cuppa and a chat with friends and is open to anyone over 50 who lives in Northumberland. On Monday afternoons, AIM North East offers employment and study guidance for teenagers and young adults. Available Mondays 2pm-4pm.

Grant to each one of us your gifts of kindness and discernment that we may by our words and deeds bear witness to the harmony of creation. Guide us in how recognise each other’s needs and to listen to each others cares  Help us to tread lightly upon the earth and encourage each other to live wisely and well amidst the new creation that is your gift to us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


February 26th

As we look around in our nation and in the world we see injustice. We are reminded today of what God said in the Book of Zechariah in the Old Testament “This is what the Lord Almighty said: ‘Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another”” . That comes in Chapter 7 verse 9. And in the teaching of Jesus the theme of justice, mercy and love for one another come again and again.

Our prayer today is for those who find no justice and especially those who feel powerless because they are poor and oppressed. You don’t have to look far in the news to find them. Let’s hold them up before God today.

God of Justice and Mercy, our prayer today is for those who find themselves oppressed and receiving no justice. strengthen them and hold them up in there hour of need. In the name of Jesus.


God of Justice and Mercy, our prayer today is for those who find themselves oppressed and receiving no justice. strengthen them and hold them up in there hour of need. In the name of Jesus.  Amen.


February 25th

 “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”  Mark Chapter 8 verses 34-36

What does that mean? I think that it means that the only way to live a life of real meaning, the life for which we were created, and to which we are called, is by giving up on the life that this world thinks matters, and instead living the life that matters to God.

That’s what Jesus did, and that’s what he invites us to do. He invites us to find the only life that matters by losing the life our world thinks matters. He invites us to deny ourselves, and take up our cross, and follow him. Why? To save our lives. To find our true lives. The life that he died to give us. Not just eternal life in heaven, but a meaningful, purposeful life here and now. 

God we will need your holy spirit to be able to do this. God we will need your grace and mercy to be able to do this.  We remember that you empowered your disciples, the early Christians, and others who decided to follow you, we believe that you will do likewise for us. Amen.


February 24th

May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. Second letter to the Thessalonians Chapter 3: Verse 16

Heavy fighting, shelling and air strikes across Ukraine have had devastating consequences for ordinary people. Over seven million people have fled the country, and many more have had to leave their homes to escape the fighting. On this second anniversary of the outbreak of war in Ukraine we pray for all those who continue to suffer under such oppression.


Lord God, we ask for you to be with all – especially children who are suffering as the crisis in Ukraine deteriorates.

Lord for those who are anxious and fearful. For those who are bereaved, injured or who have lost their lives. And for those who have lost loved ones.

Lord, we ask that decisions makers hear Your voice. Parents protecting their families. Church leaders as they support and comfort people.

And Lord we ask for wise actions from global leaders - who have the power not only to start wars, but to stop them too.  

And Father God we cry out for an end to this crisis. For mercy, peace, and truth – because You are light, hope, power, and love. Amen. 

Lord God, we ask for you to be with all – especially children who are suffering as the crisis in Ukraine deteriorates.  Lord for those who are anxious and fearful. For those who are bereaved, injured or who have lost their lives. And for those who have lost loved ones.  Lord, we ask that decisions makers hear Your voice. Parents protecting their families. Church leaders as they support and comfort people.  And Lord we ask for wise actions from global leaders - who have the power not only to start wars, but to stop them too.    And Father God we cry out for an end to this crisis. For mercy, peace, and truth – because You are light, hope, power, and love. Amen. 


February 23rd

A Prayer during Lent


As the days lengthen,

and the earth spends longer

In the light of day,

may we spend longer

in the light of your presence,O Lord.

May the seeds of your Word

which have been long buried

within us,grow like everything

around us,into love for you and love for others, a visible declaration of your Lordship in our lives,

Grant Lord,that there may be a spring time in our lives this Lent.


   A Prayer during Lent  As the days lengthen, and the earth spends longer In the light of day, may we spend longer in the light of your presence,O Lord. May the seeds of your Word which have been long buried within us,grow like everything around us,into love for you and love for others, a visible declaration of your Lordship in our lives, Grant Lord,that there may be a spring time in our lives this Lent  AMEN


February 22nd

What makes happiness?

Last Saturday I attended a talk at Alnwick Playhouse. It was given by Emma Gannon and was entitled ‘The Myth of Success’. A lot was said, quite a bit of which was lost on me but one thing I do recall is she said that success (however you define it) does not necessarily bring happiness. Sadly, but not surprisingly, nothing at all was said about the role of faith in finding happiness. Reflecting on it afterwards I recalled Jesus saying that ‘those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?’ Happiness does not come by searching for it. Happiness is a byproduct of looking beyond ourselves. We can never summon it but may be surprised by it. Charles Spurgeon, a renowned nineteenth century baptist preacher once said...


“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.”


February 21st

What would Jesus say about our generation? 

Today’s gospel Luke Chapter 11 verses 29-32 tells us about an earlier generation demanding signs. We are in Lent, a time for the unexpected: reading scripture can help us to look at ourselves and situations and possibly change. We’re shown how frequently we ask God for proof, demanding proof of his existence, for example. However, our hurdle is trusting in Jesus when faith is feint and our intentions are veiled; life doesn't happen at the time we want. Sometimes having faith in God occurs even when we do not understand all that happens around us. Perhaps we can explore on who or what is our faith based, founded? 

Lord, you come to us in unexpected ways and sometimes unwelcome forms. Those who gathered around you failed to recognise the truth you spoke. May we be ready not merely to listen to your words, but to shape our lives by them.

Lord, you come to us in unexpected ways and sometimes unwelcome forms. Those who gathered around you failed to recognise the truth you spoke. May we be ready not merely to listen to your words, but to shape our lives by them.


February 20th

The World Social Justice Day is observed on 20th February to commemorate and urge all efforts to combat unemployment, social exclusion, and poverty. The United Nations General Assembly recognizes that social development and social justice are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security within and among nations. It was established in 2007.

What are the four principles of social justice?

The four interrelated principles of social justice are equity, access, participation, and rights. These are important to create a socially sound world for every individual.

What is an example of social justice?

Social justice essentially means fairness in society which includes healthcare, employment, housing, and more. Over the years, it has started applying to all aspects of society, including race and gender.

What are some social issues?

Some of the most pressing social issues are poverty, homelessness, climate change, gender inequality, and access to healthcare, e.t.c.

O God , open my eyes that I may see the needs of others.​  Open my ears that I may hear their cries; Open my heart so that they need not be without support; Let me not be afraid to defend the weak because of the anger of the strong, Nor afraid to defend the poor because of the anger of the rich. Show me where love and hope and faith are needed,  And use me to bring them to those places. And so open my eyes and my ears That I may be able to do some work of justice in your name. Amen


February 19th

In our journeying with you,
it is your hand
that stops us stumbling
or slipping on the path,
your word
that keeps us growing
and builds upon our faith,
your power
that grants endurance
whatever happens next.
Thank you
for joys discovered
and blessings received
in our journeying with you.



February 18th

The Way of the Cross 

Jesus called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save their life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.  What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?  Mark Chapter 8 verses 34-37

The way of Christ, self-denial, reminds us that our life is not our own. It belongs to God. It reminds us that we are not in control, God is. Our life is not about us. It is about God There is great freedom in knowing these things. We are free to be fully alive. Through self denial our falling down becomes rising up, losing is saving, and death is resurrection.

May we also resist the temptation to find our rest in places that muffle the cries of injustice—the desperation of the needy, the anger of the wronged, and the despair of the hopeless.  May those voices echo in our Lenten silence, for the call of your Spirit also speaks through those voices.  Lord, your word is near us, on our lips and in our hearts.  May we use this season of Lent to empty ourselves of all that makes us deaf to that word, the Word of God,  Through Jesus Christ, who is already on our lips and in our hearts. Amen
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"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

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