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Prayer is something anyone can do. You don’t have to use complicated words or special phrases. You just pray what is in your heart. 


We hope you find our prayers helpful.




Every day we share prayers on facebook and our website.  


We would now like to extend this to sharing your prayer requests on Fridays. 


So if anyone would like someone or something prayed for then please let us know. 


Please email:

Hands in prayer.


December 13th

As night draws in early many households come alight with their Christmas decorations. These can be encouraging and enlightening. Some of the designs are a far call from the birth of the baby in the manger.


Dear Lord as we wonder at the lights around us help us to remember that Jesus is the true light of the world. 




December 12th

This picture is of a shop window decoration in Lviv, Ukraine. 

Beauty and hope in a war torn country. 


‘Still through the cloven skies they come

With peaceful wings unfurled

And still their heavenly music floats

O’er all the weary world

Above its sad and lowly plains

They bend on hovering wings

And ever over its Babel sounds

The blessed angels sing’


May the angels sing their song of peace over the world’s war zones

A picture of angels etched in glass both kneeling infront of a christmas tree with buildings at the foot of the tree.    in a shop window in Ukraine.


December 11th

Advent seems preoccupied with much busyness. Enter John the Baptist in the wilderness. Wildernesses are places where testing occurs. They are still found in the world today, homelessness, hunger, loneliness…John proclaims himself to be a voice “crying in the wilderness”. Yet what could be more than to cry aloud God’s message, to the vast emptiness in that wilderness? God’s ways are not our ways, but God’s ways lead to salvation. The good news that John proclaims, is good news not just for us, but for the whole world.


We are each called, that is, to remind each other that God is at work in and through our lives for the sake of the world. The Word of the Lord comes from and to the least likely places you could name.

a wilderness with mountains in the background and a lone tree.


December 10th

During this second week of Advent we focus on the Lord’s coming and his bringing of peace. We remember this as we get caught in frantic bustle and fraught relationships.


Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with peaceful thoughts

Come Holy Spirit prompt us to say sorry

Come Holy Spirit open our hearts to welcome Jesus.

Come Holy Spirit.



Artwork - Liz Jones.

Dark blue and purple background with gold squirls over it.


December 9th

Welcome to Monday, the start of the working week for many of you out there. If you need a quiet few minutes this prayer may help you reflect on God's message this Advent.


In all the rush to get things done, in all the anxiety about people and events, in all the everyday concerns we pause- to think about the meaning of the season. Last Monday we had a word, Maranatha which was in Aramaic. Today we have a word, Emmanuel which is Hebrew. It means God with us. This is one of the best descriptions of Jesus. Come to earth to be God with us. God who understands what it is like to be human and to live on earth. God who understands you and me.


Our prayer is adapted from the Lectio 365 prayer resource.​

Three candles on a window ledge in a church.


December 8th

Many people wonder if this story of the birth of Jesus is true. In this week’s reading in Luke’s Gospel chapter 3 there are references to Roman Emperors, Governors of regions, and names of the High Priests. Quoting historical events and people that are referenced in other places is one way of providing context and validity to the telling of history. There is a promise there too – ‘the rough ways made smooth’.


God, in every century and age, we can name the rulers of every land. We wait for a time when rough ways are made smooth; there are so many problems and troubles in this world. Help us with patience, strength and intention to reach out and help others, while we wait.

A stone pine tree standing on the top of a cliff.


December 7th

Comfort, O comfort your people.

We pray for those lives,
made in your image,
damaged by violence especially through ongoing warfare.

We pray for those in authority
that they may use their power
to bind wounds, heal relationships and find common ground.

Comfort, O comfort your people.

Words written over a rock face.


December 6th

The United Nations 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign . It takes place from 25th November until 10th December


RISE UP Prayer for those in the dark places of gender abuse.  We pray for those experiencing the darkness of gender abuse


for your compassion as we seek to RESPOND 

for your wisdom as we become better INFORMED

for your gentleness as we try to SUPPORT

for your strength as we hope to EMPOWER 


and for the mark of your Holy Spirit that UNITES us together to work and PRAY unceasingly, until situations change and freedom, life and love is restored to all.

A red face made into a clock face with white clock hands on a purple background.


December 5th

Over the last few weeks my email inbox has been clogged up with ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’ offers that are, they think, too good for me to miss. Life, and especially Christmas, seems to be about accumulating more and more ‘stuff’. Someone once said that the modern way of living is summed up with the phrase ‘Tesco ergo sum’ - ‘I shop, therefore I am’.  However, I’m sure people know deep down that there is more to Christmas. I am more than my possessions. Children’s author Dr Seuss wrote many years ago: 'Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.' 

A picture of a sign lit up in a show window.  It says Must have madness.


December 4th

As the season of Advent begins it reminds us of waiting and watchfulness. It’s an opportunity to examine where we are inattentive. Reflecting in Advent can show us much about rest, resilience, faithfulness, mystery, and the God who is with us in the dark as much as in the light.  When we start to feel like there isn’t enough—not enough time, not enough money, not enough patience amid the flurry of preparations, may we look for ways to observe the holiness of this season in our everyday lives.


Creator of both light and darkness, send your Holy Spirit. We, who have much to do, seek quiet spaces to know your presence each day, We, who are anxious over many things,  remember your coming among us.

A black rectangle with a Christmas sign over a gold arch that reads In the Waiting. There is a gold star above waiting.


December 3rd

We are now in the season of Advent. Advent marks the beginning of the church year. It is a time for reflection in darkness, for renewal of hope and for a movement towards a beginning. It is a season of expectation and preparation as the Church prepares to celebrate the coming of Christ. Church decorations are simple and sparse, and purple is the traditional colour used. Advent falls at the darkest time of the year, and the natural symbols of darkness and light are powerfully at work throughout  Advent and Christmas. 


Lord Jesus, Light of light, 
you have come among us. 
Help us who live by your light
to shine as lights in your world. 
Glory to God in the highest.

A white fishing net hanging in a tangled way infront of a dark background.


December 2nd

Maranatha. What does this word mean and what language is it. Maranatha is usually translated as “Come Lord Jesus” and is an early Christian prayer. The language is Aramaic which was the language that Jesus spoke. We think of him speaking Hebrew and he would certainly have done that but this was his everyday language and that of those who he lived amongst. And what does it mean for us when we pray this prayer. We are not only asking Jesus to come again at the end of time, but also asking him to come and be a part of our lives here and now. It is like an invitation to join us. If we think of our lives as a house we are not asking him to move in next door , or hoping that he will pass us in the street. We are inviting him into our home. Not to occupy the room marked 'Sunday' or the one marked 'In case of emergency'. We are asking him to come as close to us as possible, to be with us to guide, to inspire and to be Lord.



December 1st

When I was young the Advent calendars had little pictures behind the numbered windows. The biggest window was usually a double door, with a picture of Jesus in the manger, with Mary and Joseph watching on. We had the star, a donkey, robin and a wrapped giftbox, a Christmas tree, a bell, a church and probably a doll or toy train. It’s been wonderful the way companies have adopted the 24 little gift ideas, cosmetics, gins, books, toys and of course chocolates, though expensive! They all continue the idea of anticipation, excitement and lead us to the gift beyond all gifts - the birth of Christ.


In this season of Advent, may we look forward to Christmas, and remember all the people who we can help with company, gifts, smiles, prayers and kind words. May we all have hope for the future.

An advent ring with two candles lit inside a church with a purple colour painted over the top of the picture leaving brush strokes at the sides.


November 30th

O God of all hope and peace, we bring to you the needs of our broken and hurting world.
Our hearts are breaking with images of lives lost and torn apart by grief in Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Russia.
We pray for an end to violence and warfare so that the challenging work of rebuilding may begin.

Help us, O Lord, to affirm our common humanity so that in our differences we may build together for justice and peace.
In Jesus Christ, our Lord.

leaves on the paved wet ground.


November 29th

The Queen Street lights are lit, pine trees are starting to appear in the windows and the shops are full of chocolate. Christmas is approaching apace! This Sunday is Advent Sunday the first of four before Christians everywhere celebrate Christ's birth on December 25th. We look forward to gathering with beloved family and friends to reminisce and make new memories. Such precious experiences seem so appropriate as we feast to honour the birth of the Saviour of all humanity. 


Loving God, we thank you for the sacrificial gift in Christ your Son. When we gather together may your loving Spirit be with us. Amen 

coquet churches togewther in the Amble lights procession.


November 28th

Something greater to come.

This coming Sunday is Advent Sunday, the first Sunday of the Church’s new year. It’s a time of looking forward, to the celebration of Christ’s birth, and present and future coming again. It is a time of hope in despair, looking to the coming of light in a time of darkness. Deitrich Bonhoeffer lived during the dark years of nazi Germany. He wrote:

"Advent is for those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come."

Reflection of grey tree branches on a light grey background.


November 27th

Sting's song "Fragile" has multiple meanings, including the fragility of life and the environment. The UN climate talks have overrun as a deep gulf formed between richer and poorer countries over cash to help those most vulnerable in a warming world. It is impossible to shift priorities if we are in a constant, busy, frenetic lifestyle. This is where contemplation helps us focus. There has to be that pause, that willingness to be still until we know how we can help. At first, being still, will enable us to be aware of seeing alternative ways that leads to action for the planet and others.


"Let the sea roar and all that fills it. The world and those who dwell in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the Hills sing for joy together before the Lord. For he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with equity.”
Psalm 98:7-9

Waves on the sea with a late sunset.


November 26th

Today is national ‘Doctor Who’ Day. The Doctor has been a constant presence in my son’s Dans life for as long as he can remember. The shows always provided him with the ‘Wow’ factor.

‘Wow’ can mean many things, but usually it’s an exclamation of wonder, and it’s not a bad way to start praying. A sense of wonder connects us to the divine; people of all faiths and none can attest to that. When we find ourselves amazed by beauty or goodness, the moment becomes profoundly spiritual.



Photograph Peter Burnham Amble Photographic Group,

The arora over Walkworth castle.


November 25th

Psalm 16 says “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” If you live in Amble you will I expect be able to agree with David in his psalm who rejoices at the place that God has given him as a home. I know that I do. But perhaps the place where you live at present is not quite so lovely and you long for a more picturesque outlook. Britain has some beautiful places often not far form busy towns and cites and there is nature’s beauty close at hand. As we give thanks for our own pleasant place, for a roof over head and safety, shall we also spare a prayer for those who have no home and no pleasant place of their own in this cold and wet week.

Sunday evening BBC 1 Countryfile featured Amble

A gull flying over Coquet Island with the pier railngs infront.


November 24th

Christ the King    

Did you know that this is the last Sunday of the Church’s year? Yes, next week starts Advent – the waiting time to Christmas when we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. So, this week, we reflect on Christ as King – the fullness of his life and death, resurrection and ascension and all he showed us about God the Father’s love for us. A glimpse at the end before we think about the beginning of this part of our story. ‘For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth’ Jesus tells Pilate, in his trial, in John’s Gospel chapter 18.


Jesus, you testify to the truth, that you are our King of God’s Kingdom. Help us remember that, as we get ready to celebrate Christmas with all the commercial pressures.

a large gold crown against  a starry sky.


November 23rd

Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers” and today we pray that you will give us the strength and tenacity to be not just peacekeepers, but live out our lives as peacemakers.


" Lord, give us the humility to see the hardness in our own hearts and the ability to move beyond our own propensity for division.

Be in the hearts of all those who would broker peace in our world and help them to find a way forward.

In your name of your son,


A dark blue heart amongst a streaked blue background.


November 22nd


In a world consumed by war and injustice the voices of the powerless seem lost.


Loving God,

We pray for peace,

In the world,

In our homes,

and in our hearts.



Poppies on a white craked board.


November 21st

Simple Things

As the last leaves fall and the natural world hunkers down for winter and we prepare for the dark months ahead and as the world seems ever darker spiritually and politically we do not lose hope, for the light still glimmers in the darkness and the light will return. There are flowers that hold in trust the coming spring.  This is the promise of God in Jesus Christ. When we feel impotent in the face of the relentless diet of depressing news it is good to focus on the simple things we can do to make a positive difference within our own lives and others within our little spheres of influence. To be a small light in the darkness. That is enough. 


Look to the  flower that blossoms in winter. It is far better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

A yellow rose.


November 20th

“Ubuntu”, is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is described as reminding us that “I am what I am because of who we all are”. A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, knowing that we belong in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished’.(Desmond Tutu)

Nobody escapes being wounded. We are all wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually some more than others in this broken world. The main question is not 'How can we hide our wounds?' but can we be someone who can listen to a person in pain and become a source of healing.


Give us grace to unite in our sufferings to yours on the cross, for the good of all. Create wisdom and compassion that allow your love to flow through our brokenness. 

A person giving a hug to another in a broken down hallway.


November 19th

A prayer for encouragement when life is tough.


Help us to keep our eyes on you. Help us to see when another soul around us needs to be encouraged too. Help us to be faithful to carry one another’s burdens, remembering that we’re all in this life together, and there’s great power in unity.

We love you and we need you. We lift up our hearts and hands to worship you. Thank you that your banner over us is love.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray,


A yellow pond lilly.


November 18th

Yesterday (Sunday) was the switching on of the lights here in Amble. Some of us from the churches in the town enjoyed dressing up in nativity costumes to walk in the parade. At this time of year lights are a big feature , in the streets and shops and at home. The symbol of light is a very powerful one and most powerful of all is the light of Christ. A few words from a hymn form our prayer today.


Photograph Light trails P. Horseman.

A white light trail on a black sky.


November 17th

Second before advent.

It seems that war, earthquakes and famines are part of this world. It isn’t the way God intended when Creation first formed the Universe, and our earth. In the beginning of Mark’s Gospel chapter 13 Jesus tells his disciples that is the way of this world, for now. Something different is being born – the Kingdom of God is coming, is being born. We know that birthing a human is a painful and disruptive experience. How much more so is the birthing of the Kingdom of God! When we hold the new baby in our arms, we realise how precious life is. When we see signs of the Kingdom of God, we realise how powerful God’s love is.

Photograph The Peace Arch Peter Burnham of Amble Photographic Group.

a peace arch of doves surrounding the war memorial town square clock.


November 16th

A Prayer For Those Who Weary of Doing Justice:


O God, you who see the hearts of all with perfect clarity, We confess our irritation with those who bully their way with words, who think no one sees what they do in the shadows, and who live in a world of denial. We’re angry and scared and tired of doing the right thing. Strengthen our hearts, we pray, so that we might not lose hope. We pray this in the name of the Good Shepherd and Just Judge. Amen.

a river landscape in a sunset


November 15th

I often hear the voice of my needlework teacher, Miss Kilgour, as I undertake a task. Her mantra was: A job worth doing is worth doing well. Her words have definitely influenced how I try to live my life. I am aware of many people trying to do their best and be the best that they can be. This is not about being competitive but about recognising our strengths and weaknesses and knowing when to ask for help because sometimes our best is achieved as part of a team. 

My thoughts go to those who are doing their best to help, support and encourage others, namely teachers, nurses, doctors, carers, police forces, social workers etc. They give tirelessly of their time and efforts. 


Loving heavenly father, we raise to you all those striving to do their best and be their best and thank you for the impact they have on those around them. Amen

A purple blue background with squirls and yellow flowers.


November 14th

Remember the Persecuted


At this season of Remembrance let’s not forget those who have lost their lives because of their faith.  Did you know that Christians are the most persecuted group of people in the world today? More Christians face real persecution than believers of all other major world faiths put together. Does this surprise you? Why don’t we hear more about it?

Christians who speak out about human rights face even more risks. The greatest threat in our own country, though, is apathy and complacency, and negative publicity, some of it, sadly, self inflicted. 



We pray for those who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. May they find strength, courage and resilience to face the crosses they have to bear. May they know that God is especially close to them. May they be witnesses to the world of the truth and inner presence of the Holy Spirit of Christ. Amen

the wooden cross at Alnmouth.


November 13th

We’ve recently marked Remembrance Sunday, reminding us to being thankful and showing gratitude for the sacrifices made for us and our freedom. I wonder if someone saying ‘thank you’ has surprised you or you didn’t give it much thought? Jesus told a story about ten lepers who ask for his help, the story highlighting the importance of gratitude, remembering to give thanks.  After asking Jesus when in need only one said thank you. It’s not always easy to appreciate the blessings we are given. We should learn how to always thank Jesus as well as others even if we are not asking for anything. 


Heavenly Father, we have often neglected to thank you for so many blessings. You've blessed us and wait for us to come to you with thanks.  When we’ve  taken you for granted forgive us. God grant that we will on occasion remember to be thankful. 

Poppies with the words - thank you.


November 12th

A Meditation: Poppies


 'In Flanders fields the poppies blow, between the crosses, row on row.'

Blood red poppies, symbols of lives lost in bloody battle,

of bodies disfigured, of families shattered, ... but a sign too of new life in war-ravaged soil.

The red dissolves to white as the blood is drained.

 White poppies rise, symbols of lives lost as a consequence of war, of bodies maimed, of families broken,

 ... but a sign too of peace, of hope, of working together across the barriers for justice, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Lord help us to live in harmony with each other.  Amen

Red fading into white as a background to the words.


November 11th

At the present time with remembrance of past conflicts and concern about future security being uppermost in people’s minds, we pray for those who have influence in the political sphere. We live in a global village and unrest in one part affects us all in some way. But the reverse is true too that our actions and attitudes also influence those around us and God gives us opportunities for acts of kindness which will have results beyond what we can imagine.

Doodle by P. Horseman.

A doodle of poppies.


November 10th

Remembrance Sunday


Many churches will be holding services with their communities by war memorials, attended by service men and women, uniformed organisations, bereaved families and survivors. People come to show respect and thanksgiving for the sacrifice made by men and women through the ages. Some wonder why churches support or seem to support war. Rather what we are doing is recognising those sacrifices and the effect on society. Christians believe that Jesus is the Prince of Peace who died and rose again, who sacrificed on the cross for us all. However, the world is a long way off working for peace for all.


​Jesus, as we remember the sacrifices of men and women over the ages, for peace. Come we pray to bring the peace that passes all understanding to our hearts and lives, especially to those who are currently suffering the effects of war and terror now.

a feild full of poppies at the foot of a building.


November 9th

A prayer of commemoration for the fallen on this Remembrance Weekend.

Father of all, remember your holy promise,
and look with love on all your people, living and departed.
On this day we especially ask that you would hold forever
all who have suffered during war, those who returned scarred by warfare,
those who waited anxiously at home,
and those who returned wounded, and disillusioned;
those who mourned, and those communities that were diminished and suffered loss.
Remember too those who acted with kindly compassion,
those who bravely risked their own lives for their comrades,
and those who in the aftermath of war, worked tirelessly for a more peaceful world.
And as you remember them, remember us, O Lord;
grant us peace in our time and a longing for the day when people of every language, race, and nation will be brought into the unity of Christ’s kingdom.
This we ask in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

poppies on a white background.


November 8th

Today’s prayer is taken from the morning prayer on line from Lectio 365. Lectio 365 is the daily devotional resource of the international 24-7 Prayer movement and is free. Why not try it for yourself.


Father, help me to live this day to the full, being true to you, in every way.


Jesus, help me to give myself away to others, being kind to everyone I meet.


Spirit, help me to love the lost, proclaiming Christ in all I do and say. Amen



Photograph P. Horseman

autumn leaves.


November 7th



Many people continue to give their lives to defend what is most precious, to fight for democracy and the freedom to flourish as individuals and nations. And to live in peace. We salute them. Yet would that we would all also remember the words of this second verse of a hymn often sung at this time of year. 


And there’s another country, I’ve heard of long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace.

a lone poppy in a feild.


November 6th

Today, 6th November, the church remembers William Temple, a former Archbishop of Canterbury. Known for his wisdom and humility he was much concerned about the lives of ordinary people. He was the voice of hope in war-time who saw God as always present in history, where people reflected God’s light in the world. He was never broken by the brokenness of the world around him. He simply rested in Christ, the one true light. While darkness abides, we must be beacons—who reflect the light of Christ in this world. In his BBC Christmas broadcast in 1942 Temple’s wise words could apply today as in 1942: “Our hope in wartime can only be fulfilled when “we all submit our ambitions, our desires, and our policies to the Love which came down at Christmas.” He insisted that “our selfish hearts must be penetrated and filled by the energy of His love” if we are to defend freedom and direct it to fellowship.


​O God of light and love, you illumined your Church through the witness of your servant William Temple: Inspire us, we pray, by his teaching and example, that we may rejoice with courage, confidence and faith in the Word made flesh, and may be led to establish that city which has justice for its foundation and love for its law; through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Amen

Photo of William Temple and sat at an old BBC microphone.


November 5th

Preserving Our Democracy. Today is Election Day in USA. It is a good time to pray about what democracy in our governments should be

“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3)


Lord please give us the wisdom to see the damage being done to our democracy by those who would mislead, deflect, disrupt for the sake of disruption and power, and deny the humanity of others.

Give us the courage to learn, witness, to speak up and out, to protect the right of all to vote and be heard.

Help us to connect to our fellow citizens and commit to their well-being.

Lord, help us renew and nurture our country’s ideal of liberty and justice for all.

Help us Lord to resist tyranny in all of its forms.


blue purple green squirls.


October 20th

Our Government is still quite new, finding it’s feet setting out policies, and tackling many, many issues. Each time a new party is elected, they determine to be different, to uphold standards of governance, to serve the communities which elected them. Jesus refers to rulers at the end of Mark’s Gospel chapter 10; ‘those whom they recognise as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them’. Jesus showed how to rule in a different way. He truly served while leading and teaching.


Lord God, we pray for all those who serve in national and local government, that they hold the needs of their communities foremost, and they make decisions for justice, peace and fairness for all. Christ you came to set an example of service, giving your life for many. Thank you that you are alive, with the Father, still inspiring and strengthening us, through the Holy Spirit.

brown squirls.


October 19th

'The LORD is close to the broken hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.'
(Psalm 34:18)

For boys and girls
whose childhood
has been stolen
in the cause of war,
and greed,
bring restoration,


small boy walking down a litter strewn path.


October 18th

Traditionally at this time of year we celebrate harvest and our schools and churches are filled with produce from around the world. 


It is important however to remember the gifts and talents of those around us. The sympathy, empathy, caring and support that brings joy, comfort and healing to many individuals and families in our communities and how these gifts make life's challenges a little more bearable. 


All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above,

So thank the Lord, oh thank the Lord for all his love.


Mother and daughter with a bunch of flowers.


October 17th



For the first time in my life, last week,  I experienced the Aurora Borealis or ‘Northern Lights’. My first reaction  was utter awe at the majesty of it all, a great flickering brooding presence which seemed to dwarf our human endeavours. I was thrilled to be able to get a photo of it, over Coquet Island. 


I was put in mind of this verse from the Bible.


“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19.)

Northern lights.


October 16th

God may be the God of small things, but not of the small mind and small heart. Jesus rebukes people who get uptight and upset over the small things of religion or for those who want to be noted for what they do. The Pharisees loved the seat of honour and greetings, but Jesus loved others to the end. Burdens can be imposed on people but Jesus’ burden is friendship. God sees differently, he looks for the faith of the heart, and the love that is born out of that faith.


Lord, help us to be in touch with your reality that we may know how to extend compassion rather than following our instinct. Give us the grace to be witnesses who live what we teach. Lord with your guidance and inspiration it is possible. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

adrawing of a red balloon on a grey background.


October 15th

Let us give thanks to God our Father for all his gifts so freely bestowed upon us:


For the beauty and wonder of your creation, in earth and sky and sea.

For our daily food and drink, our homes and families, and our friends.

For health and strength to work, and time to rest and worship.

For minds to think, and hearts to love, and hands to serve.


To him be praise and glory, with you, O Father,
and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.  


rasperry canes full of ripe rasberries.


October 14th

One of the best known hymns is Amazing Grace.

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

  That saved a wretch; like me!

I once was lost, but now am found,

  Was blind, but now I see.


’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

  And grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear

  The hour I first believed!


But what is grace? In Christian understanding it is that God gives us to us freely not because we have been good, earned his favour or deserve his gift but out of love for us, and that love is seen in Jesus Christ.  “ Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it.” Letter to the Hebrews Chapter 12 verse 16.


Thank you, Lord God that we can come to you for mercy and grace which you offer freely in Christ Jesus. Amen.

a celtic cross.


October 13th

Many people through the ages ask, ‘what do I have to do to inherit eternal life?’ In St Mark’s Gospel reading from chapter 10 today, Jesus’ answers are as puzzling as ever! It is impossible for us to win God’s favour; we rely on Grace and God’s love. We can hang onto the amazing words verse 27 gives us ‘For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible’. Yes. Amazing Grace.


Lord God, we know that you judge us with grace and mercy, knowing that we are frail and weak humans. Help us, we pray, to know what to give up, and what to give away, to care for ourselves in this life, and for our souls in the next life. Amen.

a man sitting in water.


October 12th

Many struggle to see God when faced with natural disaster or the cruelty of other human beings. But God is always there in the hands of those who offer help and sustainance - whether offered by those of faith or no faith, for all love has its source in him.


We pray for all whose lives
have been touched by tragedy,
whether by accident
or a deliberate act.

For those who mourn,
immerse them in your love
and lead them through this darkness
into your arms, and light.  Amen.

Hearts in blues and oranges.


October 11th

I find it hard to watch the news when you see people struggling with the effect of wars, natural disasters, and being victims of violence. It makes me appreciate that I am lucky to be living a peaceful life in my beautiful town of Amble.


I feel blessed to be able to say… Thank you for this day.


I hope during the day that I will have positive kind thoughts, words and actions for others that I meet, so that they too can enjoy this day.  

View over amble town square in the morning with a bank of cloud.


October 10th

Out of Sadness 


Blessed are the poor who have nothing to own. Blessed are the mourners who are crying alone. Blessed are the guilty who have nowhere to go. For their hearts have a road to the kingdom of God. And their souls are the songs of the kingdom of God. And they will find a refuge for theirs is the kingdom of God


From the song ‘The Kingdom of God'.

Jon Guerra. 

A young person wearing a coat with the hood up, arms outstreatched sideways, walking down a empty lane with their back to us.


October 9th

"We were getting ready for school, which was supposed to start this week."  


These are the words of a teenager in Lebanon as she and her family fled their home, not knowing where to go but eventually finding refuge in a school and meeting an aid worker who was able to distribute food to them and other families looking for shelter. Today, education remains inaccessible for millions of children around the world. Children living through conflict, natural disaster and displacement are in urgent need of educational support. 


Father God, lay a blanket of protection over children who cannot attend school, especially those whose lives are disrupted by conflict, emergencies, and natural disasters. In Your mercy, we pray that opportunities are provided for learning so that through education, children find the hope and skills for a better future.



October 8th

Look around you and celebrate the beauty of our creation.


Creator God, you made the goodness of the land, the riches of the sea and the rhythm of the seasons; as we thank you for your gracious providing may we cherish and respect this planet and its peoples, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

sunset over a little shore and a silhouette of a person standing on the beach.
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"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

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