Prayer is something anyone can do. You don’t have to use complicated words or special phrases. You just pray what is in your heart.
We hope you find our prayers helpful.
Every day we share prayers on facebook and our website.
We would now like to extend this to sharing your prayer requests on Fridays.
So if anyone would like someone or something prayed for then please let us know.
Please email: vicar@stcuthbertsonline.com
September 14th
In times of emergencies and disasters, including the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the West Bank, earthquakes in Afghanistan, and the war in Ukraine, children bear the heaviest burden.
Dear God, please guide us in our efforts to help bring relief to these troubled regions.
Our world is full of hurting people and nations torn apart by war and violence.
Please protect, comfort, and heal children and women and men who face unspeakable loss and profound emotional and physical challenges.
Unite us in pursuing a world where all can thrive in Your peace, mercy, and abundance. Amen
September 13th
Being kind and caring to others that we meet throughout the day costs us nothing, but to those people who are struggling with life it could mean a lot. So...
Let us try to –
Speak with kindness.
Accept people for who they are.
Encourage other people.
Listen carefully and without judgment.
Apologise when we make a mistake.
Hold no resentment.
Be at peace with ourselves.
September 12th
Climate Change
During September we continue to pray for our planet and its ecosystem.
Today we pray for the climate and its effects on life on earth.
Creator God, as we learn more about the delicate balance of air, sea and land we understand how our actions over the past 200 years have brought about changes in the climate and more extreme and life threatening weather. Give us the will, as individuals, governments and multinational companies, to repent and be mindful of your call to us to be better stewards of the planet. Amen
September 11th
Today’s reading in Saint Luke (Chapter 6 verses 20-26) shows how Jesus emphasises the view of many regarding the state of living nowadays. We see those who are poor to be poor but behind is their strong spirituality and faithfulness to God. On the other hand, we see those who are rich to have so many material things but seems like they only focus on what they have now. Jesus also gave emphasis to something about equality. We are encouraged to continuously remember God even in success or failure. We might do well to remember what we are pursuing and not let go of being part of that bigger picture of God’s creation to which we all belong. What meaningful action will I do today to bring to others?
Lord Jesus Christ you understand the human heart. You know whether each person is rich or poor, and you know the truth about what each one possesses in this world. Assure us of your love and guide us both to learn from your word and do your will. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen
September 10th
In the Church of England we are in the Season of Creation, or Creationtide. This is a period in the church calendar from September 1 to October 4 that focuses on God as the creator and sustainer of all life.
God of creation and Lord of life, you entrusted us to care for our environment, but in many parts of the world we have failed.
Help us to realise how fragile and unstable our surroundings are, because we are not looking after creation.
We need to be true stewards and to understand how the most insignificant little flowers, and the tiniest insects, each creature and individual people are all part of a wondrous whole. Amen
September 9th
Another Monday quote from 13th century mystic Meister Eckhart -
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Our prayer today is a modem transliteration of Psalm 138. The Message version.
Thank you! Everything in me says “Thank you!”
Angels listen as I sing my thanks.
I kneel in worship facing your holy temple and say it again: “Thank you!”
Thank you for your love, thank you for your faithfulness;
Most holy is your name, most holy is your Word.
September 8th
In this Sunday’s readings Jesus reaches out to people who aren’t in his religion – they are not Jewish; the original people of God. Hence the Good News spreads while Jesus lives, his healing touch, his explaining about God, and his mission in the world.
Lord, help us to remember that the Good News of God’s love is for everyone. Inspire churches to welcome anyone who is seeking meaning and comfort in their life. Amen
September 7th
When it comes to big conflicts, there are often many different points of view on the situation. This means that when you’re gathering information, you may want to look at a few different news sources.
It’s helpful to determine the main points. You might like to ask yourself these questions: What’s happening? Where? Who is affected? Who are the key leaders and who will be responding? What are the needs right now?
When you have the main facts, sit with the Holy Spirit for a moment and invite Him to share His heart for the situation with you.
Give peace in our time, O good and gracious God.
Give peace to those who have taken up arms in anger or revenge or even in the cause of justice.
Grant the grace of conversion to the path of peaceful dialogue and constructive collaboration.
Grant this through Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord. Amen.
September 6th
You would be forgiven for thinking that the world is in a bit of a state at the moment internationally with the various wars in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. History reminds us that this is probably more the norm rather than the exception but we are now so much more aware of such events in time and detail due to the existence of the many forms of electronic communication in personal and general use. It pays to remember that this electronic information is circulated without corroboration or validation. Notice that most of these conflicts and refugee tragedies seem to be associated with the preferences or aspirations of particular individuals who are often effective heads of state. They can only survive and pursue their agendas because they are protected by groups of people corrupted to their cause. As individuals we may not be able to "change the world" but we do have the power to protect and support the things and ideas that we believe in. Sharing our values with others can make a significant difference to circumstances and events as witnessed by the strong positive community action to refute the misinformation and values of those behind the riots and theft related to the recent sad events in Southport.
Good stuff needs and deserves our support and effort if it is to prevail against worldly evils in all their forms.
Lord, may we find the courage to stand up for those we love and the values we believe now and always. In Christ's name amen.
September 4th
During September many churches reflect upon our relationship with the natural environment.
Creator God, you made the goodness of the land, the riches of the sea and the rhythm of the seasons; as we thank you for your gracious provision may we cherish and respect this planet and its people.
September 4th
“Something good in the eyes of God has become something exploitable in human hands”. (Pope Francis). The Season of Creation is a time for prayer and action to protect creation, to protect every man and every woman and child, to look upon them with love, to open up hope for something better; it is to let a shaft of light break through the heavy clouds; it is to bring that warmth of hope!
Let us be renewed by God’s mercy … and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish for all people.
September 3rd
This coming week our children will be returning to school after the summer holidays. Many will starting at new schools for the very first time. This can be a challenging moment for so many, pupils, teachers and families. Let us all hold them in our hearts and our prayers.
Almighty God We give you our schools.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work there.
We give you all the children who study there.
We pray our schools will be places of great discovery, adventure and creativity.
May they be places where all children will love to learn and where they learn to love,.
Places where every one is respected and all are deeply valued.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
September 2nd
Another quote from the 13th century mystic Meister Eckhart reminds us of what wisdom is.
“ Wisdom consists in doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with your whole heart, and finding delight in doing it.”
We pray today for wisdom, for ourselves. For all around us both young and old and for those who have the power to change the world for good or for evil. Jesus word remind us that real wisdom goes hand in hand with an open and true heart.
Lord the world can be a difficult and sometimes dangerous place; may we be as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves.
In Jesus name we pray.
September 1st
This Sunday we are asked to consider what prompts humans to do evil things and to harm others. In Mark’s Gospel Jesus is challenged by the religious leaders about keeping religious traditions and rules. Jesus replies straight back – ‘it is from within, from the human heart that evil intentions come’.
Holy Spirit, guide our hearts in the ways of peace. Guide our churches into the way of service to our communities and to foster discipleship. Guide our government into the way of justice and truth. Guide the world into Peace. Amen.
August 31st
The following comments were made by Lynne Green, the Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
“I am certain, like me, many of you have been watching the news this week and have been overwhelmed with emotion at what is unfolding in Israel and the Palestinian territories (and in Ukraine and Russia.). At times like this, as the world analyses the developing situation, comments on the complex history of the region and makes statements of sympathy or blame, my hope is that those of us who put our faith in God will see past the politics and the history, and have the courage to stare into the eyes of all those who suffer and see both their humanity and the reflection of Christ, who knows both the land and the suffering intimately. As you do that, please join me in prayer, to the God of all comfort, peace and hope.”
We come to you as the source of all hope, asking that you send your Spirit to bring about a future, where neighbours embrace despite their differences,
where love conquers hate, humility surpasses pride,
and where forgiveness is treasured as a fundamental strength. May the hope of a day when weapons of conflict will be transformed into tools of reconciliation be realised soon, so there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will have passed away. Amen
August 30th
August 30th is the day the church remembers John Bunyan, preacher, author, prisoner for his faith. He died in 1688 and today is best remembered for the hymn To be a Pilgrim and for Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan was a dissenter, who refused to conform to the Anglican church of his day. Sadly, he died shortly before the fall of James II and the “Glorious Revolution” which led to greater recognition for dissenters – but not Catholics. Bunyan spent twelve years in prison and held true to his faith against all hardships. His hymn is still popular and has a resonance still in these troubled times.
He who would valiant be ‘gainst all disaster,
let him in constancy follow the Master.
There’s no discouragement shall make him once relent
his first avowed intent to be a pilgrim.
John Bunyan.
August 29th
Open or Closed?
Our prayer today is inspired by a quote from Howard Thurman.
'Community cannot feed for long on itself. It can only flourish where always the boundaries are giving way to the coming of others from beyond them – unknown and undiscovered brothers.'
Lord, help us and our community to be closed to prejudice and open to as yet undiscovered brothers and sisters.
Image: James Baldwin (Unsplash)
August 28th
As young people prepare for a new academic year there’s usually plenty opinions about what is best for them. Listening to wise advice from a good mentor may help on this path. The reality of who they are and how they appear to others can be confusing. Jesus simply desires that we be authentic. He wants us to be the best we can be and trust that this is enough. There are whole groups of people who claim to know what young people need but only project images which are sadly far from the truth.
Lord, does it really matter? All these opinions and ideas. There is only One whose opinion really matters. Let not young lives be distorted, especially for those setting out on the next stage of their journey. Bless them with faithful friends and teachers who help to make the most of every opportunity in the coming year.
August 27th
We’re so thankful for the gift of life, the gift of creation and your tender care in every aspects of our lives, every day. You have lovingly organised the heavens, the earth and all they contain in order to generously fulfil our needs and provide safety to your creation; so let us pray.
Heavenly Father thank you for the wonders of your creation. Thank you for guiding us, leading us,protecting us, developing us since the beginning of the creation till now. Make us grow in the awareness of the urgency of safeguarding and developing the wonders of your creations and take a concrete response to it. Help us to live and work harmoniously with your creation. Protect us from all dangers and destruction.
August 26th
Someone just reminded me of the words of the 13th century Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart: The most important hour is always the present. The most significant person is precisely the one sitting across from you right now. The most necessary work is always love.
Our prayer today asks that God will help us to be present in this moment rather than living either in the past or the future; that we may take notice of the little things, and be attentive to those around us and to God’s presence.
We ask, O Lord, that you will keep us:
Mindful of the present moment,
Conscious of the little things,
Aware of the people who matter now.
But most of all may we be aware of your presence with us, moment by moment.
In Jesus name
August 25th
Every day we all have choices to make about how we live our lives, and many of them are hard decisions. Honesty and integrity, with our words, thoughts, actions, money, purchases; some nearly automatic, some well thought through. Where do we get guidance? From parents. teachers, religious leaders, or influencers, scammers, advertisements, maybe our own personalities leading us towards addiction or excesses? St Peter knows where he wants to get his guidance in this last section of chapter 6 in John’s Gospel.
‘Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God’. Thank you that faith is enough. Amen.
August 24th
We need to ask God to grant wisdom to those who need it so they can negotiate a resolution and establish lasting peace, to soften hearts that are set on violence and to protect peace when bargaining begins and when safety scatters.
We ask you, Wonderful Counselor
To grant wisdom to those who need it,
Enabling them to negotiate a resolution,
And establish lasting peace.
We ask you, Mighty God
To do what we humans cannot achieve,
We ask you, Everlasting Father
To draw near to those who are most vulnerable.
May children, the elderly, bereaved and displaced,
Find comfort in your eternal arms.
August 23rd
This week has been filled with the task of altering some very special dresses. One for a wedding, one for an eighteenth birthday and the other for a cruise. All three dresses will make their owners feel special.
It's important to remember that we are all special to God and to our families and that there is no need to alter who or what we are. We shouldn't be changing ourselves just to please other people.
Loving heavenly father, help me each day to be true to the person you have made me and to have the confidence to be myself in all I do.
August 22nd
Our prayer today features a quote from Nobel Physicist Max Plank. He said; ‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. It seems to me that this is also what Jesus seeks to tell us about how we look at people and situations.
Lord be with us in our looking. Amen.’
August 21st
God doesn’t always work in such a way that we might expect. People often think they are judged not equally, tending to compare themselves with others. Might we let go of judgment, envy, and jealousy and, if we choose to do this, might it make space for God to fill gaps that resemble his values? Are there times when we selfishly consider ourselves more deserving than others? Today may we give thanks for the blessings we have received and let us thank God for them.
Loving and righteous God, you are far more generous to us than we are often to others. Make us generous to others putting aside our fears and prejudices. Keep us ever mindful of your goodness and grace toward all of us
August 20th
Climate change and the resulting climate emergency affects all of us, but it’s those living in extreme poverty who are both the first and hardest hit. In recent years we’ve seen searing temperatures in Bangladesh and some countries in West Africa, droughts in Colombia, and extreme flooding in Kenya.
Without urgent action, the World Bank estimates that climate change could push an additional 132 million people into poverty by 2030.
Heavenly Father, we ask you to stir our hearts into action. As global temperatures increase, inspire us with the ways we can make a difference in our homes, church congregations, communities, and the world around us. We pray, Holy Spirit, that you will prompt us where we can do more to love our neighbour. Amen.
August 19th
Yesterday was Harbour Day at Amble. Our prayer is for the work of the RNLI and all who work at sea.
Lord of All, today we give thanks for the work of the RNLI and all that is done to save lives at sea.
Keep the staff and volunteer crews safe as they are called out.
Bless the work of the Fundraisers and all who support the Lifeboats.
Keep safe all who “go down to the sea in ships” and whose work takes them out in dangerous conditions. We ask in the name of Jesus, who calmed the storm. Amen.
Photograph Amble Lifeboat Fundraisers.
August 18th
In the service of Holy Communion, or The Eucharist, we offer bread and wine near the altar, remembering the body and blood of Jesus who died on a cross in order to save us. We believe Jesus made a sacrifice of himself for us. This might seem an odd thing to those who haven’t had any instruction about it. In John’s Gospel chapter 6 Jesus explains the foundation of this tradition in the Christian faith.
Thank you Jesus Christ for your sacrifice which brought us so close to God; we remember this in our Sunday service of Holy Communion, and especially your words; ‘Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them’. Thank you.
August 17th
People of different cultures and religions have prayed for world peace for centuries to express their desire for a better world. Praying for peace can help people cultivate inner peace, connect with others, and send positive energy into the whole world.
"Lord Jesus Christ, You are the true King of peace. In You alone is found freedom. Please free our world from conflict. Bring unity to troubled nations. Let Your glorious peace reign in every heart. Dispel all darkness and evil. Protect the dignity of every human life. Replace hatred with Your love. Give wisdom to world leaders. Free them from selfish ambition. Eliminate all violence and war". Amen
August 16th
‘Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.’ Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 28
Christ our Lord,
radiant in splendour and glory,
shine your love into the darkness
and paint our lives with the rainbow hues
of your multi-faceted blessing.
Lift our eyes that we may delight
in the brightness and beauty
of your transformational love
which colours our lives with joy and hope.
August 15th
Glad Gossip?
(The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Mary was expecting Jesus, Elizabeth her cousin was expecting John. They spent time together. Both had so much in common. They delighted each other with their conversations (Luke Chapter 1 verses 39-56)
Lord, we ask that you guide our speaking that our conversations may not sadden or depress but bring joy and hope. Amen
August 14th
In many ways, we have social responsibility in family and in neighbourhood. Jesus says that often even when tensions rise. We have a responsibility for each other, for the common good. We live by example and by love. Even when making some mistakes, we hope they are not mistakes that last forever. God wants the best for each of us. We can help each other to goodness, we can support each other, correct each other, and help each other on our way to God. Jesus promises guidance and his presence for all ages.
Lord let our ideas of justice and fairness be worked on by Jesus' words. Let us resist engaging in evaluations or arguments which belittle and demean other voices. Let Jesus' desire for harmony speak Give us a wise and listening perspective in opinions which are not our own but broaden our views.
Photo by MM - Igshoan Adams-tapestry (Hepworth Gallery) shows artist’s damage & then mending the scars.
August 13th
We pray for peace on our streets and communities. We see protests and unrest and needless violence on our television and hear of hostility and conflicting opinions on the news. Our country needs unity and our people need wisdom.
Move in the hearts of our political leaders and the police force and fill them with your empowering Spirit. We ask for your healing of countless families that are broken and the people in pain. Make your presence known to those who need you and help your church be a light in this time of darkness.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
August 12th
Here in Northumberland we are noted for our wonderful skies. We are not far from the official Dark Sky Park but even nearby we can view wonderful effects in the sky. We are passing through a meteor shower at present and often the sun sets, and rises too, in spectacular colours, clouds drift across in beautiful patterns and even on the dullest days there is something to be seen.
Praise God today for the beauty of earth and sky.
Hymn words Folliott Sandford Pierpoint
Photograph Overlooking the River Aln by P. Horseman
For the wonder of each hour
of the day and of the night,
hill and vale and tree and flower,
sun and moon and stars of light,
Christ, our Lord, to you we raise
this, our hymn of grateful praise.
August 11th
John records Jesus speaking about bread in chapter 6 of his gospel, continuing from our reading last week. This bread from heaven that Jesus now speaks of, is to feed our souls, not our bodies! This bread gives us everlasting life. What do we need to do to have this bread? We only need to make little steps of belief, drawn to faith by the Father, fed through Jesus, the Son, and raised on the last day.
God, you promise everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ. Like the ancient Christian fathers and mothers, we pray to increase our faith, and for you to guide us through this life in your ways.
August 10th
Each day seems to bring more news of the horrors of war around the world. We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and we lift to God the horror of the war in Israel and Gaza. We also remember the forgotten wars such as in Sudan. We pray for innocent lives destroyed and lives changed forever by the violence
God of peace and justice, our hearts break as we acknowledge the reality of violence, oppression and uncertainty for the people of Gaza, the West Bank , Ukraine and Sudan and for all those who have been forced to flee. O Lord, we cry out to you; do not turn your face away. We lift before you our all our sisters and brothers, remembering that we are all part of the one household of God. May you surround them with your loving kindness and may they know your ever-present help.
August 9th
In a time of unrest in so many places, we all pray for peace.
Peace in our homes,
Peace in our streets,
Peace in our world,
Peace in our hearts.
God’s peace be with us.
August 8th
During this season of holidays and travel we look beyond the horizons of our own communities, cultures and concerns, focusing today on the many parts of our world once naturally inhabited by indigenous ‘First Nation’ peoples
“Father God (Great Spirit), we pray to you for freedom from unjust systems that continue oppress Indigenous peoples and their cultures around the world.”
Photo: Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield (PJM)
August 7th
In Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus is seen on one of his few visits outside Jewish home territory. A woman knew that Jesus is the only one who could help her. She showed great persistence and didn’t allow adverse remarks to put her off. This story is a reminder to keep the faith, keep persevering because God listens and waits. A story like this is also an occasion to look at our own attitudes to people of other races, ethnic groups and nationalities, not to mention the socially disadvantaged or physically or mentally disabled—in other words, any who are ‘different’. How inclusive are we in word and action? Does our parish community go out of its way to provide a welcome for the ‘outsider’? These are very real questions which are becoming more important as we see those who would seek to pull communities apart.
Generous God, whose love knows no boundaries, work in us to remove the limits of our love. Bless our offering to reach out to those dismissed as different, that your ways are known upon earth.
August 6th
On August 6th, 1945, an American bomber dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over Hiroshima City. The entire city was devastated by the heat and shock waves of the blast, producing numerous civilian casualties.
Like most traumatic scars, the ones that are found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are permanent: reminders of the terrible damage human beings can inflict. Similar scars can be found in the hearts and souls of people around the world who understand this terror: scars of grief, sadness, fear and even shame. None of these scars promise an end to war and devastation. Instead, they serve as a reminder of healing and renewal – of a return to life.
Gracious God, Spirit of Life and Love, help us to see our scars: those we have created, those we are called to witness, and those we can soothe and heal. We are deeply grateful for the buds and blossoms that even the most scarred offer as a revelation to the world,
and, especially on the anniversary of Hiroshima Day, we renew our commitment to peace individually, collectively and globally: to 'peace within' which calms our anxieties and fears, to 'peace between' which overcomes differences, animosities and conflict, and, to 'the great peace,' beyond even our understanding, that is Your gift and which we attempt to be stewards of for the world. Amen.
August 5th
Sometimes our lives seem complicated with so many strands that twine together. Most of the time we manage to balance our lives but sometimes that balance becomes difficult. That may be true for you or someone you know today. Some time spent coming closer to God in moments of quiet can put things in perspective. Take a moment now to be still. God says “Be still and know that I am God”.
Give to me Lord, a moment of stillness, when I can feel your presence and know that you have me in your hands whatever may come today. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Photograph P. Horseman.
August 4th
I expect you are familiar with the line in the Lord’s Prayer ‘Give us this day our daily bread’. In today’s John’s Gospel reading chapter 6 24 – 35 Jesus reminds us that there is more than physical bread to sustain us.
Jesus, we hunger and thirst for Spiritual goodness in a difficult world. Thank you that you offer to feed us with the bread of life. Amen
August 3rd
Each day seems to bring more news of the horrors of war around the world.
We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and we lift to God the horror of the war in Israel and Gaza.
We pray for innocent lives destroyed and lives changed forever by the violence and we share the International Prayer for Peace
Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth
Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust
Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace
Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe Amen
August 2nd
Our town is welcoming large numbers of summer visitors at this time. They come to enjoy the beautiful views the wild life and the chance to be amongst our wonderful coast. Some may be aware of the history of our area, not least our “Celtic Saints” one of whom Cuthbert has a special place in our town and its history.
King of heaven, who called Cuthbert from tending sheep to be a shepherd of the people, help us, inspired by his example to bring those who are lost home to your fold. In the name of Jesus Christ, the great shepherd of the sheep. Amen.
Photograph from Holy Island by Carollyn McDonald.
August 1st
Racism is still very much alive and well; in our world, in our country, in our community. Why is this? Where does racism come from? Think about these things, and where YOU stand, as you make this prayer your own.
“God and Father of humankind, who in your love made and intended all the nations of the world to be one family; help those of different races to love and understand one another better. Take away hatred, jealousy and prejudice, so that all may work together for the coming of your kingdom of justice and peace.”
After Evelyn Underhill
July 31st
Today we remember St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Whilst on his way to military fame and fortune a cannon ball shattered his leg. During convalescence Ignatius began the time reading a life of Christ and lives of the saints. His conscience was deeply touched. Personal setbacks transformed St. Ignatius’ life for good. The disappointments and setbacks would not be the only hurdle he’d face. At a fork in the road, he stumbled and realised God's desire for his life by relationship with God and through constant prayer. He tried to “find God in all things” as he went about his day. Sometimes setbacks can open the door to new opportunities. This prayer is attributed to him.
Dearest Lord,
teach me to be generous;
teach me to serve You as You deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labour and not to ask for reward
save that of knowing I am doing Your will.
July 30th
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is here today, July 30th to increase public awareness about this tragic crime and grave violation of human rights, getting more people involved with prevention and protection measures. Human trafficking can take on all sorts of different forms in the modern world, and people can be used for many kinds of exploitative purposes. This might include forced marriages, forced begging by parent, spouse, or other controlling person, forced labour, sexual exploitation, criminal activity such as drug trafficking, or other forms of abuse. The United Nations has declared that every day, in every country, human traffickers exploit people for profit, particularly those who are poor and vulnerable, with numbers that show more than 70% of trafficked people are women and girls, and nearly 33% are children, the fight against human trafficking is a necessary one.
God, we ask your blessing on every victim of human trafficking. We know you bear their fear, their hurt and their pain.
May they feel your loving presence wash over them.
May justice be served.
May these women, men and children be released from the anguish they suffer.
Make us instruments of love and compassion — seeking out, serving and helping to heal those who are victims of human trafficking. In Your name we pray. Amen.
July 29th
Maybe you or someone close to you seems to be facing circumstances that look overwhelming.
The fisher men in the story (John chapter 6 verses 16 to 21) were not aware of how close Jesus was to them when they were over taken by the storm. For those finding life a struggle today – a reminder that they can call out.
Photograph by Carollyn McDonald.
Café Church at the Coquet Tearooms in Amble will be following this theme on Sunday August 4th at 4 pm, with a special guest. People of all faiths and none are welcome.
Thy sea, O God, so great,
My boat so small.”
Lord, when we seem to be overwhelmed
by circumstances, help us to remember you are only a prayer away.
July 28th
The local baker and fishmonger are both valued on the coast of Northumberland. Fresh and wholesome food which we enjoy and which nourishes us, but which many people cannot afford. Jesus performs a miracle in John’s Gospel chapter 6 verses 1-21 by making a little go a long way, to feed hundreds of people, with loads left over! Generosity and sharing are good lessons to learn from this, even if you are someone who doesn’t believe the miracle.
There are many people in such need, prompt us we pray dear Lord, to share what we can, through Food Banks, World Charities, or by inviting others to eat with us.
Photograph shows Afternoon Tea at St Cuthbert's Summer Fayre yesterday.
July 27th
Our world is so full of war and conflict. When we see yet another story of violence and bloodshed, it can feel overwhelming, and we can find ourselves unsure how to pray. This is especially the case when the conflict is in parts of the world we don’t have personal connection with, or when the reasons for the hostility are so complex that we don’t know what the best outcome would be.
Lord God, No one is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving care.
In your kindness, watch over refugees and victims of war,
those separated from their loved ones, people who are lost, and those who have left home or who have run away from home.
Bring them back safely to the place where they long to be, and help us always to show your kindness to strangers and to all in need. Amen
July 26th
Reflection for Friday.
Psalm 23 is one of the suggested readings for today. It is one of the best known and best loved Psalms in Christianity and Judaism. Attributed to King David, these words would have been familiar to Jesus himself, read by him during his ministry and used as part of his teaching. Set to music for centuries the words of the psalm have formed part of many services, particularly funerals, a tradition which grew during the last century. The words have inspired some of our greatest musicians and have provided comfort through dark times and joy in good times.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, he maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me by the still waters. He restoreth my soul…
Verses 1 – 3, Psalm 23. (Authorized version.)
July 25th
Set a guard
Today we reflect on the things we say, the words we use. Are they kind or hurtful? Do they build up or bring down?
“Set a guard, Lord, on our tongues, that we may never speak the cruel word that is not true; or being true is not the whole truth; or being wholly true is merciless.”
July 24th
Jesus takes a simple everyday event of seed-sowing, and tells a story... In that of the sower seed fell on the path, among thorns, on rocky ground, then good ground. This might stir many questions within us. Is the soil of my heart rocky? Is it on a superficial level? Do I allow the seed to grow and take root in my life? The human heart can, at different times, be open or closed. God always comes to us as we are, with faults and failings, gifts and talents. Might we notice moments when we experience something, or someone, beyond ourselves? When that happens the "Godseed within begins to grow. The normal run of our daily lives seems different.
Jesus, the sower whatever I am today, whatever the mix of path, rock, thorns or soil help me to become good ground for you, for your word and for your presence.
July 23rd
For many families the summer holidays are a struggle with children at home and no free school meals, so the weekly budget has to stretch further for food and there is little left for activities and treats.
Lord God, we pray for all the individuals and families who are struggling to make ends meet each week and are using food banks across the country.
We pray that they will be met with kindness and practical help and leave with a sense of restored dignity.
We pray for wisdom and provision for the food banks experiencing increased demand.
July 22nd
Today our prayer is for all facing choices of any kind. It might be looking at a new direction in life, an interview or interviewing others. It might be about a house move or a change of career. It might be the choice of a life partner or a change in family life. It might be choice of a new path way in education for yourself or for a child. So many choices in life. Pray that God’s guidance is surrounding you today.
Photograph Lynn Kerr Amble Photographic Group.
Be near me Lord, as I step out today to make a choice that will affect my life and the lives of others. May I feel your presence today and always. Amen.
July 21st
Have you ever thought that you were exhausted, and had too much on? Too many responsibilities, for too many people? Not even time to eat properly. That’s what is happening to Jesus in this week’s readings; Mark chapter 6 verses 30-34, and 53-56. Jesus knows he and the disciples need rest, and people follow them, so eager to meet and hear Jesus preach, to touch his robes and be healed.
We pray that we will have time to rest and recover after busy times, whatever age we are. Bring us the Peace that passes all understanding.
Photo by Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash
July 20th
Watch over the people of Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan
who have been forced to flee their homes
and face violence and fear.
Convert the hearts of those
who commit violence and wage war.
Turn them away from persecution towards peace.
Turn hatred to understanding, and anger to compassion.
Through your love, transform horror into hope. Amen
Photo by Aditi Gautam on Unsplash
July 19th
Earlier this month my granddaughter lost her first tooth. My daughter suggested I make her a tooth pillow. I duly collected a small piece of fabric from my box and set about the task without any plan as to how I would proceed. As I progressed I chose a piece of white fabric to make the pocket. This of course needed a flap with a fastening. There in my button box was the smallest sweetest flower shaped button perfect for the job.
On completion of the task I commented to my husband that the pillow had taken on a life of its own.
It's not always easy in life to set out without a plan, but doing so often results in great adventures.
Loving heavenly father give us the courage to recognise that you have a plan and that the Holy spirit is there to guide us.
July 18th
The Wonder of our being
The bible says everyone of us is created in the image of God. What does this mean and how should it affect our behaviour?
O God, the creator of the human race,
we thank you for the wonder of our being
and for creating us in your image and likeness.
Let no negative perception inform our judgement of other people.
(Churches Together in England)
Image PJM.
July 17th
During a service this song “Think of how God Loves you”: (James MacMillan) was sung remembering the life of a child with special needs who had died.
Think of how God loves you!
He calls you his own children
and that is what you are.
You have put on Christ;
In him you have been baptised. Alleluia!
This tender choral piece was dedicated to MacMillan’s granddaughter. A small, broken child had opened up to him “the essence of human life” beyond power, money, or influence. All children deserve to be loved and treasured, showing us the very life and love God has for them.
Lord you said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Let us pray for the protection and safeguarding of God ́s creation, especially children who suffer and are deprived of their full humanity. Let us show children how good life can be for them.
July 16th
I, like most people, was born into a family that served as my primary home of ‘be-longing’ for many years but now the events of normal life has separated me from most of my birth family. As a result I created my own ‘family’ through relationships with good friends, companion animals, and my husband and his family.
Lord, we offer you all we are, all we have, all we do, and all whom we shall meet this day that you will be given the glory.
We offer you our homes and work, our schools and leisure, and everyone in our Community today; may all be done as unto you.
We offer you the broken and hungry ...
May the wealth and work of the world be available to all and for the exploitation of none. May your presence be known to all.
July 15th
Every year I make a trip around now to the Amble Dunes Nature reserve to look for the little flower you see in the picture. Meadow Rue has the smallest flowers imaginable only a couple of millimeters across. How fragile it looks and yet it survives year on year. It made me think of fragile people I know, and we have all felt fragile at times. It was said of Jesus in Matthew chapter 12 verse 20 “He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.” Let’s pray for sensitivity to those around us, we don’t know what is going on for them or what past trouble they have endured.
Lord God, give us sensitivity towards those around us.
May we remember that we do not know what they are going through at the moment or what has shaped them in the past.
May we follow the example of the Lord
Jesus “ He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.”
Photograph P. Horseman.
July 14th
This reading; The Gospel of Mark chapter 6 verses 14-29 has one lesson I’d like to illustrate here today. Herodias , Herod’s daughter, puts herself out for others, and makes decisions to please others, without really thinking through the consequences, or making up her own mind. That’s easy to fall in to when we are young, and as we mature, it’s good to realise that if we are ‘people pleasers’ we reflect and make sure that we have good values and a right view of the world.
Holy Spirit, guide us into right thoughts and actions, and bring wise people around us to lead and advise us in all parts of life.
July 13th
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.'
(Psalm 34: Verse 18)
Bless the peacemakers
working in conditions
that are often hazardous.
Bless the politicians
whether good or bad
for decisions affecting all of us.
Bless our words and actions
as we carry your light
into places shrouded in darkness.
"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."