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St Cuthbert’s 150th Anniversary: 


In the year 2020 St Cuthbert’s Church will be celebrating its 150th anniversary.


Throughout the year special events will be taking place to mark this important occasion culminating in a service of thanksgiving in the presence of the Bishop of Newcastle.


Why St Cuthbert's was built:


By the mid 1860’s Amble’s population was growing fast.  However the people of Amble were still part of Warkworth Parish and were expected to attend

St Lawrence church. 


St Cuthbert’s Church came about by a strong desire from the Amble people to have their own church and parish.  They were succesful in their quest and in

1870 St Cuthbert’s Church was built.  It was consecrated on St Luke’s Day, October 18th,

by the Bishop of Durham.

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Changes at St Cuthbert's:

Since 1870 the church has seen several improvements.Some were practical, others were to enhance its appearance. Stained glass windows, entrance porch, choir vestry and electric lights were all installed to improve the functioning of the church. The town continued to develop and St Cuthbert’s remained at the centre of the community both geographically and emotionally.


St Cuthbert's in the 21st Century:

The PCC plan to make changes to the back of the church building by installing a toilet with access for the use of disabled people, a servery and storage cupboard.


All these changes are to help ensure the church building will be fit for purpose in the 21st century.


Planned Installations:


1. Toilet

The PCC wish to install a toilet that is accessible to disabled people. The planned toilet will be sound proofed and will contain a change table for those with young children.The wall and door will be made of wood. This work will entail connection to the main sewer in the road outside.

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2. Servery

The planned servery will include a sink, oven and cupboards. This will enable drinks and light snacks to be served safely and hygienically. Coffees and food could then be provided for both community and church functions.  The servery will be made of wood and there will be wooden tops to provide a pleasing aesthetic finish.


3. Storage Cupboard

At present tables and chairs are stacked behind display boards.  The planned wooden storage cupboard will allow the safe storing of furniture that is used in the church.

Why do we need this development?


A. Community use:

The PCC believe the church building should be at the very heart of its community.  St Cuthbert’s is in a prime location just behind Queen Street and next to bus stops.


The PCC have adopted an ‘Open Church’ policy and the building is open each day of the year.  Both locals and visitors take advantage of the open doors.


It is also a regular depot for the reception of items donated to our local food bank.


Taking this to the next level the PCC would like church to be used for wider community use.


The building has great acoustics and would make a wonderful venue for concerts. 


Community groups could bid to use the church for meetings.  Light refreshments could be offered. This could be for regular meetings or occasional use.

B. Church use:

St Cuthbert’s is the venue for many Funerals as well as Christenings and Weddings, not forgetting the regular services. 


In the course of any year a large proportion of the local community pass through the doors of the church for one reason or another. 


When visitors arrive they expect basic facilities. Our local schools make frequent use of the church for assemblies, school functions, Experience Easter and Christmas Nativities.


The lack of toilet provision can make it very difficult for those in charge as children often need to use a toilet at short notice!

We need your help in raising funds to enable us to make Amble Parish Church 'Fit For the Future'! 


Fundraising is now underway and the total we are needing to raise is...




All donations are welcome.  Please visit our vicar:


John McDermott, at the Amble Vicarage, Straffen Court 


If you would like to do a sponsored activity then please contact our treasurer on:


Thank You.



“Go and make disciples of all nations...

And surely I am with you always, to

the very end of the age."

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